More pro-diversity renaming is afoot in Northeast Portland! US Representative Earl Blumenauer introduced a bill this week with the support of the other six Oregon reps to rename the post office on Killingsworth the official Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Post Office. Unlike previous controversial renaming efforts, however, the post office idea originated from the people who actually use the space. Two postal carriers, Isham Harris and Jamie Partridge, started collecting signatures to rename the post office (from its current bland title "Piedmont Post Office") back in 2007. Two years later, the grassroots campaign has picked up top-tier support from Blumenauer and seems likely to pass. SARAH MIRK
Circuit Court Judge Stephen Bushong ruled that Portland's sit-lie ordinance is unconstitutional on Friday, June 19. Bushong ruled in favor of defendant Katherine Perkins, who argued that the ordinance is "unconstitutionally vague and overbroad, and that it is unconstitutional because it is preempted by state law." Different aspects of the law have been ruled constitutional and unconstitutional by different Multnomah County judges over the two years since the ordinance first came to light, but Bushong's ruling appears to be the most sweeping yet. "We haven't had a chance to read the decision and have a discussion with the city attorney yet," says Tom Bizeau, chief of staff for City Commissioner Amanda Fritz, who is conducting outreach during a controversial six-month extension of the law. "But I'm glad this kind of scrutiny is occurring." Bushong did not return the Mercury's calls for comment by press time. MATT DAVIS