We're bringing you live updates from the downtown Portland protest of the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. You can get more up-to-the-minute coverage by following us on twitter.
Update, 2:00 am
While protests, looting, and a heavy police presence continues downtown, the Mercury is calling our coverage for the night.
Alright folks, I’m calling it. Just swung by the Justice Center for a parting look. Surrounded by officers, and quiet. Smells like fireworks and pepper. Night, all.
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) May 30, 2020
If you're out and about tonight, we hope you get home safely. Goodnight!
Update, 1:40 pm:
Looting—of Target, banks, Starbucks, et cetera—continues.
Ground littered with escooters, broken glass, and empty clothes hangers. pic.twitter.com/kcLvpGdYSw
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) May 30, 2020
Here's some insight from the Oregonian's reporter on the ground:
I have clearly not been in all places at all times, but from my observations, police are pretty much letting people smash windows and loot until there is a fire or something large enough that they come to clear it.
— Molly Harbarger (@MollyHarbarger) May 30, 2020
And here's some additional insight from a Portland writer and anti-fascist:
The looting at the protest comes directly from the connections that people are making between the racial nature of the police state and the massive exploitative wealth that the state aids these corporate giants in acquiring. It’s not a logical leap.
— Shane Burley (@shane_burley1) May 30, 2020
Update, 1:20 am:
PPB is starting to use military-style vehicles to disperse the crowds:
Police move in to separate crowds pic.twitter.com/tINOTIOZa1
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) May 30, 2020
(By the way, local journalist Sergio Olmos is doing invaluable work tonight—give his Twitter a follow!)
The fire at Chase Bank has been put out.
Also, this:
I can’t get over how many people are riding e-scooters tonight.
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) May 30, 2020
Update, 1 am:
Chase Bank in downtown Portland is on fire.

Update, 12:50 am:
The protest is thinning out, but some groups remain downtown. Windows are reportedly being broken at Chase Bank.
Hearing more windows breaking, think it’s Chase bank. About a hundred folks at pioneer square now.
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) May 30, 2020
Meanwhile, Wheeler tells KPTV that the protest represents "the dismantling of our community."
Mayor Wheeler says he'll be walking MLK Blvd. tomorrow to see the damage for himself. He's on his way back to the city now. "I don't know what the heck they're thinking or if they are even thinking. All I know is we're going to stop them. Enough go home." -@tedwheeler #Portland
— Bonnie Silkman KPTV (@BonnieSilkman) May 30, 2020
Other intense protests are happening throughout the United States tonight, including in Lost Angeles, Detroit, Atlanta, Seattle, and New York—and, of course, Minneapolis.
Update, 12:30 am:
PPB is using police lines and fire trucks to block off traffic at different intersections—an approach that seems effective in breaking the protest up.
Can confirm. https://t.co/4SjpPsSBJ3
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) May 30, 2020
Wheeler has gone on KGW and said he plans to "visit businesses impacted by looting" tomorrow.
While the downtown Apple store has been looted, Powell's City of Books remains unharmed.
Update, 12:10 am:
After declaring a riot, PPB is now closing large portions of downtown to both pedestrian and car traffic. PPB is also telling protestors who stick around that they may use gas, projectiles "or other means necessary for dispersal."
Here's Alex with a firsthand look at the scene downtown:
Update. pic.twitter.com/vhMS7wHyZD
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) May 30, 2020
Protestors are reportedly exercising discretion in which stores they vandalize, stearing clear of Chinatown and mom-and-pop shops.
TriMet is reporting that all MAX trains and buses traveling through downtown are facing delays.
Meanwhile, a similar scene is happening down in Eugene:
EPD still hasn’t shown up. Crowd is chanting and lighting off fireworks. “Your Tax Dollars at Work” sign is on fire. pic.twitter.com/wRML1AmcMD
— Donald Morrison (@DonnyMorrison26) May 30, 2020
Update, 11:50 pm:
The fire set by protestors at the Multnomah County Justice Center has been put out. Protestors are now smashing windows at the Pioneer Square Mall and setting fires in the street:
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) May 30, 2020
Police are now using pepper spray and tear gas in an effort to break up the protest. The Portland Police Bureau (PPB) is also reporting that there have been three shootings related to tonight's protests, though details about the shootings are scant.
PPB has declared a riot. @pdxfire is putting out fires in the downtown area. Everyone needs to leave the downtown area immediately or they are subject to force.
— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) May 30, 2020
In the midst of the chaos, Mayor Ted Wheeler posted an emotional, personal tweet:
I had to leave Portland today because my mother is dying. I am with family to prepare for her final moments. This is hard, this is personal, but so is watching my city get destroyed.
I’m coming back NOW. You will be hearing from me, @PortlandPolice, community leaders.
— Mayor Ted Wheeler (@tedwheeler) May 30, 2020
Original Story, 11:22 pm:
Tonight what started out as a peaceful vigil at Peninsula Park to honor the memory of George Floyd, a Black man killed by police in Minneapolis, has turned into a downtown melee in which the Multnomah County Justice Center (1021 SW 4th) has been broken into, and set ablaze. Our Alex Zielinski is on the scene.
People are entering the justice center through broken windows. pic.twitter.com/414kSUN4cR
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) May 30, 2020
It’s on fire. The Multnomah county Justice Center is on fire. pic.twitter.com/PhEhcyDjoE
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) May 30, 2020
While keeping a low profile throughout the evening, the Portland Police were quick to arrive at the scene dressed in tactical gear, and issuing warnings.
Projectiles are being thrown at Officers. Gas has been deployed. Everyone needs to leave the area immediately.
— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) May 30, 2020
This story is developing, and we'll be providing details as they become available.