- United States Department of State via Wikimedia Commons
This week, the nation's two largest reproductive rights advocacy groups endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. Planned Parenthood Action and NARAL Pro-Choice America came out with public endorsements, in what's a bit of a shake-up for both organizations—though arguably most pointedly in the case of Planned Parenthood, which has never endorsed in a presidential primary before.
"There’s no question: Hillary Clinton holds the strongest record on reproductive rights of all presidential contenders in not just this election, but in American history," the organization said in a statement posted to its website. "She doesn’t just support women’s health — she has been a proactive leader on expanding access to women’s health care. In fact, no other 2016 candidate has shown such strong, lifelong commitment to the issues Planned Parenthood Action Fund cares about."
NARAL's endorsement is interesting for totally different reasons. The national arm of the advocacy group caused major intra-organizational drama back in 2008 with an early endorsement for Barack Obama over Clinton. Endorsing Clinton early on this time around seems like a smart move. In a statement posted to Medium, NARAL President Ilyse Hogue stressed the high stakes for women in this upcoming presidential election as a major consideration in the endorsement process (emphasis mine):
Among the Democrats, we are happy to report that all three candidates for president have perfect voting records on reproductive rights. In an ordinary year, that would be enough to wait to endorse until the general.
But the bottom line is that 2016 is no ordinary year. Women’s reproductive rights and, by proxy, our freedom and equality, are under attack like never before in my lifetime. As a nation, we stand at a crossroads: in one direction, we forge ahead into a future where policies match what people need to thrive in our careers and our families; in the other, our collective destiny is sacrificed to the backwards vision of an extreme minority.
Yep. There it is. It's a strange thing to suddenly feel like a single-issue voter just because I'm a lady who would enjoy having all my rights thanks, but weirdly, sadly, that is where we are right now. When one side of the aisle is so hell-bent on, you know, battling the scourge of birth control and fighting the expansion of health care for low-income people, when we still can't seem to call domestic terrorism targeting abortion providers by its rightful name, it's understandable that groups like NARAL and Planned Parenthood are entering the fray early.
And it's not surprising that they're going with Hillary. Bernie bros gonna Bernie-bro, but whatever you think of Clinton, it's undeniable that she's long been an outspoken supporter of reproductive rights. Here's my favorite vintage Hillz clip, where she explains that access to reproductive health care—including abortion, because, duh—is a human right:
There's also the depressing parallel between Clinton and Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, who both found themselves unfairly interrogated by panels of pouty old GOPers this year, in a spectacle of sexist condescension run amok. I've read plenty of thinkpieces urging against voting for Clinton just because she's a woman. But this year, in this appalling political climate, maybe that's not such a bad reason at all.