Sure, you're smart... but are you PORTLAND SMART? Find out by taking the weekly POP QUIZ PDX, published every Friday with tons of fun, sassy-pants questions about what happened in the city this past week.
But first: Let's see how you did on last week's quiz! More people than ever scored in the 80 point range, and as usual, our weekly "subjective" question was a real head-scratcher... but for the first time ever, a majority of people got it right! MAROON 5 SUCKS SO HARD!

Want to take our previous quizzes? You can do that RIGHT HERE! And, so you can brag to your friends, here's how the test is scored:
100 points = "I am a goddamn genius!"
90 = "I am almost a goddamn genius."
80 = "I am achingly close to genius-ness."
70 = "I may not be a genius, but I'm pretty dang smart."
60 = "I am somewhat smart."
50 or below = "What am smart?"
Whoopee! Take this week's POP QUIZ PDX below, and come back next Friday for a new quiz!