HOWDY THERE, SMART STUFF! It's time once again to put your brainy-brain to the test with this week's edition of POP QUIZ PDX—our weekly, local, sassy-ass trivia quiz. And this week, your smart brain will be tested on how much you know about Portland's most EEEEVIL villains, as well as the city's very horny past! (The rumors are true... before millionaires took over, Portland was so much fun!) 🥳
But before we continue... HOW DID YOU DO ON THE PREVIOUS QUIZ? Not too shabby! And it looks like the majority of you made the right choice about whose musical talent you wish you had. Good luck in the next lifetime!
OKAY, TIME FOR A NEW QUIZ! Take this week's quiz below, take our previous pop quizzes here, and come back next week for a brand spankin' new quiz! (Having a tough time answering this quiz? It's probably because you aren't getting Mercury newsletters! HINT! HINT!) Now crank up that cerebellum, because it's time to get BRAINY!