AHOY THERE, BRAINY PANTS! It's time once again to put your brainy-brain to the test with this week's edition of POP QUIZ PDXโour weekly, local, sassy-ass trivia quiz. And this week, your brain will be tested on how much you know about the SEXY, SEXY sailors of Fleet Week (as well as other unsexy non-sailor related topics)... don't worry, I'll provide even more sexy sailor pics next year! โ๏ธ
But first, how did you do on the previous quiz? Very nice, indeed! And while I loved the majority answer for "the best doll ever"... now I'm thinking I should've included Lt. Riker in today's "sexy sailor" quiz. He could be considered "a sailor," right?? ๐ค
OKAY, TIME FOR A NEW QUIZ! Take this week's quiz below, take our previous pop quizzes here, and come back next week for a brand spankin' new quiz! (Having a tough time answering this quiz? It's probably because you aren't getting Mercury newsletters! HINT! HINT!) Now crank up that cerebellum, because it's time to get BRAINY!