IF YOU'VE WATCHED Anita Sarkeesian's Feminist Frequency videos, or paid any attention to Gamergate (ugh), or if you vaguely remember feeling super disappointed that the only playable lady in Super Mario Kart was Princess Peach, nothing in Shannon Sun-Higginson's new documentary about sexism in the gaming industry, GTFO: The Movie, should be particularly surprising.

But by imposing a clear-cut narrative on what's ordinarily digested in fleeting think pieces and tweets, it's a solid record of sexism within a subset of media that's currently having the dumbest identity crisis imaginable. (I mean, come on, hate mail because of gay characters in a game? I'm pretty sure MADE-UP WORLDS INSIDE A SCREEN DON'T NEED TO RESEMBLE SOUTH DAKOTA.) (Also, sorry, South Dakota.)

Minus some pretty adorable title cards, GTFO isn't overwhelmingly polished: The filmmakers rely on fuzzy Skype interviews, and footage of people sitting at computer terminals playing shooters makes for awfully boring B-roll, kind of like when you played The Oregon Trail with your friend in third grade and they insisted upon total mouse domination, while you merely stood by and watched as they made terrible decisions about their occupation (GODDAMN IT, YOU SHOULD ALWAYS BE THE DOCTOR) and fording rivers (ALWAYS CAULK THE WAGON AND FLOAT IT). That being said, it's notable GTFO was made at all, given what bullshit awaits women gamers who dare to speak their minds—all manner of doxxings and rape threats and poorly spelled insults, in case you literally don't know any woman who has even a low profile on the internet.

I hope no one gets doxxed for saying something real in a documentary about sexism in the gaming industry. But if it happens, it'll only serve to prove why a film like this needs to exist.