READING--Ever since the birth of America's chattering class, Harper's has been there. Commemorating the magazine's remarkable century and a half run, current editor Lewis Lapham storms into town to perform intellectual wheelies. PB
Powell's Books, 1005 W Burnside, 7:30 pm, Free
B-BALL--In their season opener, Portland Fire held onto last year's WNBA champs, the Houston Comets, through two overtimes. Rookie superstar forward Stacy Thomas and her squad return for their second home game of the year. PB
Rose Garden, 224-4400, 7 pm, tickets start at $5
ART FLICK--William Faulkner's brutally honest and acutely American storytelling joins Jean Renoir's passion for intense emotion to create The Southerner, a newly restored print of the 1945 story of a young, struggling Texas farmer. KD
Portland Art Museum's Whitsell Auditorium, 1219 SW Park, 7 pm, June 9-10, $5-$6
MUSIC--What better time than an early Saturday evening to indulge in a three-tiered parfait of audio heaven? Damien Jurado, Jen Wood, and Julie Doiron are dreamy, scrumptious singer-songwriters who slide down like a summer sorbet. JS
Meow Meow, 527 SE Pine St., 230-2111, 6 pm, $5
ART/DANCING--Using second-hand dresses and a patchwork of images, heady conceptual artist damili ayo plays out a personal narrative about gender and power issues at this one-of-a-kind fashion show. Afterward, the event kicks up its heels at Dante's with cabaret and dancing. KE
"Little Black Dress Project" Begins at Mark Woolley Gallery, 120 NW 9th Ave, Suite 210, 224-5475, 7:30 pm: continues at Dante's, 1 SW 3rd, 10 pm, $7
BUBBLES--An accordionist, an ex-Mouseketeer, a former child star of the Mexican music scene, and an Oh, God Part II cast member? No, it's not a David Lynch film. It's The Stars of Lawrence Welk. If you don't go for the "effervescent song and dance numbers" (so says the Oregon Symphony propaganda), go for the sheer camp factor. Hey--that's redundant! JS
Schnitzer Concert Hall, SW Broadway and Main, 3 pm, $18.75-$50
DOCUMENTARY--Chicks with dicks, anal sex with rosary beads, and drag queens munching on dog poop: It must be John Waters. Catch Divine Trash, an award winning documentary about the filmmaker's early years. (See review p 29)
Clinton Street Theater, 2522 SE Clinton, 238-8899, 7 and 9 nightly through the 22nd, $6
ART--Snow? In an art gallery? In summer? Two dozen artists interpret the form and eros of childhood yuletide treasure, the Snow Globe. KD
Frames, Intervals, & Accelerations at Froelick Adehart Gallery, 817 SW Second Ave, Tues-Fri 11-6, Sat 10-5, Free
DANCE--Got an ass? Well, dance it off at the Viscount Ballroom's Soul Stew. DJ Aquaman and DJ Brian Martin spin classic 60s and 70s booty-shakin' soul guaranteed to get your rump jumpin' and bumpin'. WSH
Viscount Ballroom, 722 E Burnside St, 233-7855, 10:00 pm, $3