Pet Issue 2017
An Excerpt from Fetch: How A Bad Dog Brought Me Home
Nicole Georges on Her Lovable, Cranky Pup
Best Practices for Small Pig Adoption
How to (Ethically) Achieve Your Dream of Getting a Small Swine Companion
When Cats ATTACK!
They Are Probably Just Scared, Says Horror Cartoonist and Attack Survivor Julia Gfrörer
Cat Party!
Getting Twisted with My Feline Friends
Pets of the Trump Administration
That’s Weird... White House Employees Look Just Like Their Pets!
In Fetch, Portland artist Nicole Georges tells the story of her close friendship with her badly behaving, very lovable dog, Beija. The Mercury’s Suzette Smith calls it a book “for anyone who’s ever really loved a dog.” Here, Georges shares the tale of enforcing her dog’s boundaries—and her own. MEGAN BURBANK
Fetch: How a Bad Dog Brought Me Home by Nicole J. Georges
(Mariner Books)