CONGRATULATIONS to SCOTT ERWERT, who is the grand prize winner of the Portland Mercury's "Design a Christian Starbucks Cup" Contest! Check out his winning design on this week's cover!
BACKGROUND: As you undoubtedly recall, a former pastor recently flipped his wig when Starbucks removed the Christmas-y designs from their cups to be more inclusive to other, just as relevant holidays. The pastor—who, let's face it, is a bit of a dum-dum—started a Facebook protest, proclaiming Starbucks was participating in the imaginary "War on Christmas!" That's why, in order to settle this debate, the Mercury proposed our "Design a Christian Starbucks Cup" Contest. Artists from all over the area sent in their designs for the perfect Christian Starbucks cup, and of all the entries we received, graphic designer SCOTT ERWERT ( received our $100 grand prize, and it's his fantastic entry that's featured on the cover of this week's issue!
But! We also received a Christ-load of other great submissions as well, so here they are... our "Design a Christian Starbucks Cup" Contest runners-up! Thanks to everyone who entered!