Letters Jan 22, 2014 at 4:00 am


Obviously Jerry Garet hasn't taken much in the way of science classes, or if he did, he certainly didn't absorb much of it.
HI ANN [ROMANO] I heartily support your McCarthy-flogging as well as correctly correlating her anti-fluoride and anti-immunization opinions as being anti-science. It's the same conclusion arrived at by good quality and scientifically informed sources (the present publication excluded, zing!). With all of this said, I believe Jerry Garet raised some interesting and valid points. Perhaps it was (wait for it) *genetics* that gave you those ol' pearly whites, and not just some chemicals that were added to your chemicals (I mean water, sorry). What are you holding back from us? The public demands access to your enchanted, genetically-modified and cavity-free ancestors, now! Who made you, Monsanto!? In lieu of any helpful leads, I will begin a program to deny those with inferior and cavity-prone genes, access to reproduction. If that sounds unethical, well then, I guess that's up for the vaccine-deathpanel-courts to decide!

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