RE: "Gender Specific" [Letters, May 28], in which reader Anthony P disputes the scientific reality of a "third-sex gender."

ANTHONY P—I respect your wish to see a judicial system that makes its rulings based on facts, rather than "mass political delusions." It's true that our sex is biologically determined by genetics. But "sex" and "gender" are not the same.



RE: "Jamming on the Brakes" [News, June 4], regarding changes being made to a proposed "street fee" on businesses and residences.

I'm happy to read they're only reconsidering how to charge the fee, not how to reprioritize spending to meet these pressing maintenance and safety needs.

posted by Dan P


RE: "The Tale of Cloney McBeardo" [I, Anonymous, June 4], in which the writer describes a skirmish over waiting in line at a bar.

This is the only city I've been in where people wait in line for a drink. While you're all queuing up, I'm gonna go take that empty spot down a ways and probably order ahead of you. It's been happening that way for many, many years.

posted by da1m0n


RE: "A Pair of Missed Milestones" [Hall Monitor, June 4], recounting the Portland Police Bureau's failure to live up to its reform deadlines regarding use of force against citizens with mental health issues.

The reality is that people of color are targeted at much higher rates in Portland. So when we focus only on mental illness without acknowledging a much bigger issue being suffered by the community, or the fact that these communities intersect, and the treatment by the PPB toward people of color exacerbates mental illness, we are assuring that the brutality will only continue.

posted by Monica Elizabeth


RE: "A Call to Arms" [Feature, June 4], our annual Bike Issue, in which we explore the city's (arguably flagging) commitment to growing ridership, both institutionally and as a culture.

I like bicycles and I definitely feel as though steps ought to be taken to ensure that cyclists can share the road safely with pedestrians and motor vehicles, but the bike culture in this town is like a farcical cross between a LaRouche rally and a junior high cafeteria clique, and needs to go.

posted by wolkenkaiser

One of the main reasons cycling in PDX is stagnating is because [the Portland Bureau of Transportation] no longer has an interest in affordable connectivity, but is saving every meager penny to build the next few hundred feet of over-engineered "world-class" separated infrastructure. We won't make any progress in this town until PBOT and cycling advocates stop huffing the copenhamsterdamista ganja and start supporting practical and affordable infrastructure NOW.

posted by take_the_lane

I rode almost daily for 15 years all over LOS ANGELES, fer chrissake, and I've never even had a particularly frightening close call. Most of my staying upright is due to following a few simple principles of safety and staying in a high state of mindfulness. And really, y'all, if breezing down Ankeny or Clinton is your idea of terror, you need to harden up in a general sense.

posted by torkfool

I just don't feel like riding in traffic anymore, so I don't. Not least because I got tired of that repeated interaction where someone in a car nearly kills me, so I yell, they get all hurt about it, and make it seem like nearly killing me is somehow a lesser bad act than me screaming, "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" As I said, fuck that.

posted by rich bachelor


RE: "Art Walkin': Last Thursday" [Arts, June 4], in which the effect of stricter policies on the long-running monthly street fair are explored.

In 10 years they'll have finished scrubbing every speck of beautiful, essential, working-class imperfection from the face of this town and there will be no reason left to live here.

posted by Katherine Athena Purkapile

CHIN UP, KATHERINE, it's not gone yet! For instance, look at the Laurelhurst Theater, where working folks can still catch a flick and a slice for a very reasonable price and where you've just won two tickets for the Mercury letter of the week!