"Sam's private life is Sam's private life," he said. "There are crimes, and there are crimes, and if he committed a crime by having sex with a boy two months shy of his 18th birthday, that is not a crime that looms large in the history of mankind."
"There are crimes, and there are crimes, and if he committed a crime by having sex with a boy two months shy of his 18th birthday, that is not a crime that looms large in the history of mankind."
"Protect interns from our mayor" ?!?!? I bet she's from Lake Oswego too like the guy KGW interviewed who was down there calling for Sam to resign. Would the rubes please go back to the suburbs.
Suz, they're getting involved because they're friends of Sam, leaders of the gay community and don't like to see a friend get screwed because of someone elses puritanical morality views.
The dude from Pink Martini is holding pressers in Sam's defense? Awesome.
Way to get dressed up for the occasion Storm. Didn't even consider running a comb through your hair before heading off to city hall? Double awesome.
Dude shows up at a public rally, has his picture taken, but then decides he doesn't want his name used? Triple paranoia awesome.
Westboro Baptist wannabees holding signs trying to act like their beef with Sam is that he lied? Quadruple fundamentalist awesome.
I was leaning toward thinking Sam should pack it up, but now I've changed my mind. This kind of entertainment is more than worth the price of Sam's indiscretions.
Blabby, probably relating to the fact that it is a Class A Misdemeanor and not a felony if Breedlove was 17. It would be prosecuted as contributing to the delinquency of a minor, but the same could be said if, say, Saltzman saw Breedlove sipping wine at the party he crashed and refilled his glass before handing him the keys to a steamroller parked outside the international rose test garden.
Yes, please confirm that is the exact quote. Unless there are new revelations that haven't come out yet, that is a terrible argument to be making at a press conference. Future damage control?
Count me in the "willing to forgive" the lie camp, but if it turns out the Finally-the-Truth press conference the other day was in fact another lie, then that's the end of it for me. I'll still be willing to forgive him as a person, and I won't be terribly upset about the original "crime", but you don't hold a major press conference on inauguration day in order to finally come clean and, you know, not come clean...
If the truth remains that it was not an illegal sexual relationship, and that Sam was being forthright in his press conference, then this Hinlke character has NO BUSINESS being at a pro-Sam press conference. That was one of the MOST UNHELPFUL bits of "help" I have ever heard.
I'm strill trying to imagine that if this were a 42-year-old straight mayor who started hanging around a girl when she was 17, waited until she was 18 and then had sex with her within a couple of weeks.
I really really find it hard to believe that some of Sam's supporters here would just say "his private life is none of our business" in that case. I just have to believe that some of Sam's supporters here would be singing a different tune if those were the details.
And if this were a Republican mayor, he'd be gone already....
God, this is bad. I'm still firmly in the "well, that's sleazy but certainly no reason to resign"-camp, but if Sam's people can't handle things a bit more effectively than this it makes me seriously worry about their ability to take care of real business.
Forgetting the fact that his official actions may have been compromised by the underlying lie?
Ribbon cutting at the condo
Hiring of an inexperienced reporter who had some goods
Among others, the problem of maintaining the cover-up -- and the leverage it gives anyone who may know about it -- is the most important reason we should care about the lie.
And Blabby, the thing you don't seem to get is that there is no evidence (none whatsoever) that Sam had sex with a 17 year old. Until there is, your point of view is simply idle conjecture. If you think you can't trust him for lying, that's one thing, but try not to conflate issues here.
Time for Voodoo Donut to introduce the "Sam and Beau special"- a three-day old cock and balls donut alongside a slightly underdone cream-filled vanilla donut, served with a healthy dose of faux outrage as the servers scream that it's really a bacon maple bar and a Blazer blunt.
Those are actually some of the least surreal photos I've seen. Washed out people standing on a sidewalk!
I wouldn't mind some kind of background context. Like, why is Mr. Lauderdale from the band (right?) Pink Martini giving a press conference? Like, why is that a really understandable thing for him to do in this situation?
Nothing is illegal about a 42 year old adult male having sex with an 18 year old adult female, or a 42 year old adult female having sex with an 18 year old male. It's only wrong in your head and if you have such a huge problem with being legal at 18 then please take it up with the Feds.
Whatever though. I have a feeling you're more the type that just likes to get on the internet and restating the same garbage over and over again in the comment section. The most you've ever done politically is sign on to an online petition. Anyway, I guess I don't really have time to wait for your response. I have to get down to the rally for Sam now.
A cat: You need to read my post more carefully. I'm not conjecturing on whether he had sex with a minor. In fact, I'm conceding Adams' and Breedlove's version of the story.
They when he was 17, and had sex two weeks after his 18th birthday. That's exactly the scenario I describe, but substituting a young woman instead of a young man.
I just don't believe that such a mayor would be getting a lot of "ignore his private life" type of support.
In the name of all things holy, I wish you guys could move beyond the "is it illegal" question. The problem is his character and integrity. It's not a legal question.
I'm here repeating these things because I'm right and you morons apparently need to hear them over and over again.
Enjoy your rally. Looks like a collection of Portland's finest.
Oh, and: Blabby, I totally misread your post. Sorry. I still think you're dead wrong. Sam's actions were certainly sleazy, but not illegal by any means. What Sam does legally in his private life is none of our business, and if you think that what he did with Beau should be criminal you should take it up with the legislature.
If Sam was straight and got caught in a lie about having sex with a hot 18 year old girl...
I doubt there would be that much outrage. Probably a lot of high fives when the door closed and the cameras were off. Unless my entire life, every straight male I've ever know, and every movie depicting that exact scenario is wrong.
I frankly find it alarming that so many of my fellow citizens don't recognize that something can be perfectly legal and still be an unacceptable trait in a public figure.
I honestly truly do not give a single shit about the legality of this situation. The problem for me is I no longer trust his character or integrity.
"Sam's actions were certainly sleazy"? I think the affair sounds downright classy. Dining out, chatting about politics and exchanging business cards...way classier than any date I've been on.
"Blabby has apparently never told a lie. Is that right, Blabby?"
I actually have never lied about something like that. But more to the point, I'm not running to be mayor. If I were, I would expect my character to be fair game for voters and journalists alike. It would be naive of me to expect anything less.
Garrett: "If Sam was straight and got caught in a lie about having sex with a hot 18 year old girl I doubt there would be that much outrage."
Well, I have no problem believing that you wouldn't be outraged.
Again, the fact that people in this "progressive" and "right thinking" town seem to place no standards of behavior on the people who represent them is alarming to me.
You all should go back and listen to Sam's statement on Wednesday. He understands the nature of his fuck up a lot better than any of his supporters here seem to.
Regarding the "this would be different if he was a straight Republican" idea, I've commented on my own views elsewhere...
To summarize, I never called for Vitter's resignation. He is still in office. I never called for Larry Craig's resignation. He ultimately did not resign but retired after serving his full term. I never advocated for Foley to stay on the job, he was caught with multiple illegal solicitations with people he had a supervisory work role over, and a list of witnesses/accusers covering a period of 10 years. I still disagree with Vitter's policies and Craig's policies, and they were both hypocrites because of the conflict of their policies and their actions, but I never demanded that they resign, not ever.
So, at least for me, there is no hyporacy/inconsistency in my willingness to forgive Sam.
The concept that an 18 year old female is emotionally and sexually comparable to an 18 year old male is silly. Sex means very different things to guys and gals. They really cannot be compared.
It's going to be funny in about 5 years when everyone who is between the ages of 20-30 that start running for elected offices. All those pictures on flickr and facebook are going to get the candidates crucified.
"I'm strill trying to imagine that if this were a 42-year-old straight mayor who started hanging around a girl when she was 17, waited until she was 18 and then had sex with her within a couple of weeks": We will never know, Blabby, so this is a red herring. Translation: it's a bullshit distraction from the real issues.
When your shit gets debunked in one thread, you just post it in the next one. You ignore rational points, you repeat yourself constantly, and you conflate the worst elements of the "pro-Adams" crowd with the group as a whole. You're boring and irrelevant. You were an Adams-hater long before this scandal broke. It's just an opportunity for you to stick your little knife in.
Guffman, I don't believe I've been "debunked" on a single thread. For the most part, I'll I see is a lot of people emotionally invested in Adams making emotional arguments in support of him. They haven't been long on logic.
I move from post to post, because they move down the Blogtown homepage, so I go to the most recent one.
And my point is not a red herring: I think that a lot of self-righteous progressive supporters of Adams would be up in arms if this was a young woman involved. The sleazy sexism of it all would be too much for them.
I truly believe that and its a perfectly valid point to make here. This isn't Meet the Press, you know.
Finally, I'm not obligated to entertain you. Go fuck yourself.
"Guffman, I don't believe I've been 'debunked' on a single thread": Believe what you must.
"For the most part, I'll I see is a lot of people emotionally invested in Adams making emotional arguments in support of him": I see that you are emotionally invested in taking Adams down.
"They haven't been long on logic": I've been eminently logical, and you have repeatedly ignored my main point, which is that Adams' position -- faced with a false rumore about something which was NO ONE'S BUSINESS IN THE FIRST PLACE, and the certainty of being disbelieved -- is a big mitigating factor in the coverup.
"I think that a lot of self-righteous progressive supporters of Adams would be up in arms if this was a young woman involved": I don't care. We'll never know. You're accusing us of hypocrisy based on a hypothetical. Fuck that.
"Finally, I'm not obligated to entertain you": How fortunate.
I'm a child of a much older man and a young woman. My parents were together for 30 years until one of them died prematurely. They got together when she was very young (17) and there was so much love in the relationship.
I was on the steps with Storm Large singing, and I was there to confront the bigoted Godhatesfags crew. They were hollering hateful things, and I believe they, and groups like them, were just waiting for Sam to make a mistake. Guess what? He did. I don't like that it happened, but I sure know that he's been great to and for me, my issue and this city.
Let's move forward. If the investigation proves a crime was committed, we go from there. Lying is bad, but lying about sex happens by the minute/hour/day. We've got work to do, and so does Sam.
That just about nails it. If Sam's going to be taken seriously, he needs to say what he thinks needs to be said and then resume doing his job. The fact that he seems to be trying to weather the storm by boarding the metaphorical windows is really worrisome, especially when the people that are speaking in his place are as inept as they've been today.
I agree with you. My only comment is that the crowd out in front of City Hall this afternoon (bigots) was frightening. If he comes to work, he's going to need security.
I heard it said that people "smell blood in the water". That crowd made me believe that statement.
The reason for the weird assortment of inept actors at this presser is that anyone with any real political savvy and with anything to lose in local politics knows that the mayor is radioactive right now (except for Saltzman, apparently). These guys today don't personally have anything to lose by doing what they did, although I will agree, they aren't helping Adams.
In regards to "blood in the water" and the Lon Mabon style kooks, this is only the beginning, you can expect rancor from this camp for the rest of Adams stay in the Mayor's seat. I am furious with Adams for giving these fucking losers anything to latch onto. Between national and local politics we had these assholes beaten into the ground, likely never to return.
Now not only do we have to see and hear them again, they will gain political traction again. Fucking terrible. Sam needs to reign if only to send these jerks back to their caves.
As well, caution needs to be taken with the "its all about the sex" argument. It really isn't for a lot of folks, and the more this gets tossed around, the more people will be alienated by those who promulgate this defense.
On the one hand, it is hard to care. There are bigger fish to fry. On the other hand I'm comfortable with holding public officials accountable for their actions. Also, isn't having sex with an underage person considered a form of rape? If yes, do you really want to get on the slippery slope of deeming which types of rape are no biggie and which ones are not to be tolerated? Good luck with that one. Perhaps "little Liberace" should stick to tickling the ivory.
And, frankly, I do think it the public should stay out of the personal lives of public officials -- just as soon as they start staying out of mine.
I like that lawyer though. Smart. Smart.
A lawyer said that? Yikes.
Matt, can you confirm that this isn't a typo?
Suz, they're getting involved because they're friends of Sam, leaders of the gay community and don't like to see a friend get screwed because of someone elses puritanical morality views.
The dude from Pink Martini is holding pressers in Sam's defense? Awesome.
Way to get dressed up for the occasion Storm. Didn't even consider running a comb through your hair before heading off to city hall? Double awesome.
Dude shows up at a public rally, has his picture taken, but then decides he doesn't want his name used? Triple paranoia awesome.
Westboro Baptist wannabees holding signs trying to act like their beef with Sam is that he lied? Quadruple fundamentalist awesome.
I was leaning toward thinking Sam should pack it up, but now I've changed my mind. This kind of entertainment is more than worth the price of Sam's indiscretions.
Count me in the "willing to forgive" the lie camp, but if it turns out the Finally-the-Truth press conference the other day was in fact another lie, then that's the end of it for me. I'll still be willing to forgive him as a person, and I won't be terribly upset about the original "crime", but you don't hold a major press conference on inauguration day in order to finally come clean and, you know, not come clean...
If the truth remains that it was not an illegal sexual relationship, and that Sam was being forthright in his press conference, then this Hinlke character has NO BUSINESS being at a pro-Sam press conference. That was one of the MOST UNHELPFUL bits of "help" I have ever heard.
I'm strill trying to imagine that if this were a 42-year-old straight mayor who started hanging around a girl when she was 17, waited until she was 18 and then had sex with her within a couple of weeks.
I really really find it hard to believe that some of Sam's supporters here would just say "his private life is none of our business" in that case. I just have to believe that some of Sam's supporters here would be singing a different tune if those were the details.
And if this were a Republican mayor, he'd be gone already....
Ribbon cutting at the condo
Hiring of an inexperienced reporter who had some goods
Among others, the problem of maintaining the cover-up -- and the leverage it gives anyone who may know about it -- is the most important reason we should care about the lie.
His apologists would be singing a completely different tune under either circumstance.
Time for Voodoo Donut to introduce the "Sam and Beau special"- a three-day old cock and balls donut alongside a slightly underdone cream-filled vanilla donut, served with a healthy dose of faux outrage as the servers scream that it's really a bacon maple bar and a Blazer blunt.
I wouldn't mind some kind of background context. Like, why is Mr. Lauderdale from the band (right?) Pink Martini giving a press conference? Like, why is that a really understandable thing for him to do in this situation?
Nothing is illegal about a 42 year old adult male having sex with an 18 year old adult female, or a 42 year old adult female having sex with an 18 year old male. It's only wrong in your head and if you have such a huge problem with being legal at 18 then please take it up with the Feds.
Whatever though. I have a feeling you're more the type that just likes to get on the internet and restating the same garbage over and over again in the comment section. The most you've ever done politically is sign on to an online petition. Anyway, I guess I don't really have time to wait for your response. I have to get down to the rally for Sam now.
They when he was 17, and had sex two weeks after his 18th birthday. That's exactly the scenario I describe, but substituting a young woman instead of a young man.
I just don't believe that such a mayor would be getting a lot of "ignore his private life" type of support.
In the name of all things holy, I wish you guys could move beyond the "is it illegal" question. The problem is his character and integrity. It's not a legal question.
I'm here repeating these things because I'm right and you morons apparently need to hear them over and over again.
Enjoy your rally. Looks like a collection of Portland's finest.
I love blogtown. Post moar cats, people. It's fucking Caturday.
If Sam was straight and got caught in a lie about having sex with a hot 18 year old girl...
I doubt there would be that much outrage. Probably a lot of high fives when the door closed and the cameras were off. Unless my entire life, every straight male I've ever know, and every movie depicting that exact scenario is wrong.
I honestly truly do not give a single shit about the legality of this situation. The problem for me is I no longer trust his character or integrity.
I actually have never lied about something like that. But more to the point, I'm not running to be mayor. If I were, I would expect my character to be fair game for voters and journalists alike. It would be naive of me to expect anything less.
Well, I have no problem believing that you wouldn't be outraged.
Again, the fact that people in this "progressive" and "right thinking" town seem to place no standards of behavior on the people who represent them is alarming to me.
You all should go back and listen to Sam's statement on Wednesday. He understands the nature of his fuck up a lot better than any of his supporters here seem to.
To summarize, I never called for Vitter's resignation. He is still in office. I never called for Larry Craig's resignation. He ultimately did not resign but retired after serving his full term. I never advocated for Foley to stay on the job, he was caught with multiple illegal solicitations with people he had a supervisory work role over, and a list of witnesses/accusers covering a period of 10 years. I still disagree with Vitter's policies and Craig's policies, and they were both hypocrites because of the conflict of their policies and their actions, but I never demanded that they resign, not ever.
So, at least for me, there is no hyporacy/inconsistency in my willingness to forgive Sam.
"David Wagstaff, a Northwest Academy educator and filmmaker, said โif there was no misbehavior in human sexuality, thereโd be no Shakespeare.โ"
So no murder, no Macbeth. Get it?
City hall is not the theater in the round.
When your shit gets debunked in one thread, you just post it in the next one. You ignore rational points, you repeat yourself constantly, and you conflate the worst elements of the "pro-Adams" crowd with the group as a whole. You're boring and irrelevant. You were an Adams-hater long before this scandal broke. It's just an opportunity for you to stick your little knife in.
Worst of all, you're boring.
I move from post to post, because they move down the Blogtown homepage, so I go to the most recent one.
And my point is not a red herring: I think that a lot of self-righteous progressive supporters of Adams would be up in arms if this was a young woman involved. The sleazy sexism of it all would be too much for them.
I truly believe that and its a perfectly valid point to make here. This isn't Meet the Press, you know.
Finally, I'm not obligated to entertain you. Go fuck yourself.
"For the most part, I'll I see is a lot of people emotionally invested in Adams making emotional arguments in support of him": I see that you are emotionally invested in taking Adams down.
"They haven't been long on logic": I've been eminently logical, and you have repeatedly ignored my main point, which is that Adams' position -- faced with a false rumore about something which was NO ONE'S BUSINESS IN THE FIRST PLACE, and the certainty of being disbelieved -- is a big mitigating factor in the coverup.
"I think that a lot of self-righteous progressive supporters of Adams would be up in arms if this was a young woman involved": I don't care. We'll never know. You're accusing us of hypocrisy based on a hypothetical. Fuck that.
"Finally, I'm not obligated to entertain you": How fortunate.
Well, I heard a rumor that's not true. I presume the press will be following up.
Waiting for "Blabbygate"...
I was on the steps with Storm Large singing, and I was there to confront the bigoted Godhatesfags crew. They were hollering hateful things, and I believe they, and groups like them, were just waiting for Sam to make a mistake. Guess what? He did. I don't like that it happened, but I sure know that he's been great to and for me, my issue and this city.
Let's move forward. If the investigation proves a crime was committed, we go from there. Lying is bad, but lying about sex happens by the minute/hour/day. We've got work to do, and so does Sam.
That just about nails it. If Sam's going to be taken seriously, he needs to say what he thinks needs to be said and then resume doing his job. The fact that he seems to be trying to weather the storm by boarding the metaphorical windows is really worrisome, especially when the people that are speaking in his place are as inept as they've been today.
I heard it said that people "smell blood in the water". That crowd made me believe that statement.
In regards to "blood in the water" and the Lon Mabon style kooks, this is only the beginning, you can expect rancor from this camp for the rest of Adams stay in the Mayor's seat. I am furious with Adams for giving these fucking losers anything to latch onto. Between national and local politics we had these assholes beaten into the ground, likely never to return.
Now not only do we have to see and hear them again, they will gain political traction again. Fucking terrible. Sam needs to reign if only to send these jerks back to their caves.
As well, caution needs to be taken with the "its all about the sex" argument. It really isn't for a lot of folks, and the more this gets tossed around, the more people will be alienated by those who promulgate this defense.
Winner of the best unintentional typo of the day award. :-)
And, frankly, I do think it the public should stay out of the personal lives of public officials -- just as soon as they start staying out of mine.