
I'm unclear what this post was accomplishing. The actual article has higher rez (and more of them) photos of the restaurant than this post.

Seriously, was a whole bunch of content forgotten to be added?
Also, since most of the article was photographs, let's add some captions:
The one of the bartender: "It's a carrot-based cocktail! Take THAT!"
The one of the line cook: "Yeah, it's a salad...sorry."
The one with the bluish-haired lady; "We're very cutting-edge for being here."
I ate there for dinner 7/14, and it was wonderful. There were 2 of us and we shared everything. Appetizer beet dish in a creamy sauce and light herbs. Then the main dishes were the tamales, and a white bean stew type dish. Both had very unique and wonderful flavors. I can't wait to go back. Everything else on the menu sounded so good. The staff was super friendly as well.

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