Queer Jun 17, 2010 at 4:00 am

Searching for (and Finding) Portland's New Queer Neighborhood


Well, when you spread 20(?)% of the population out all over thecity ...the impact diminishes.
I'd prefer one spot myself, but wth, it's not like the scene is organized...at all.
No way- integration over segregation, 100%. Creating a Gayborhood as a "safe" place gives room for other parts of the city to be non-safe, with the idea of "that may fly in the gay part of town, but over here were do things differently!" If we're spread over the city, the impact (while not concentrated) is much more effective than a highly concentrated nucleus, or mecca.

It may just be 20%, but that's 20% of "out" people. Not like places I've lived before where you only get 5% that are actually open and comfortable in their sexuality.
Portland is getting gayer all the time, and sometimes at the New Seasons Market on Interstate it feels like the queer takeover is complete, but 20% is a pretty big overestimate. San Francisco isn't even that gay. Don't get me wrong, I WISH Portland was that gay, but let's be realistic.
Yeah, not sure what I was thinking.
Also, @nibbler83

I dunno, 'effective' on what level, you know?
I kinda miss concentrated gayness...and I know I'm not the only one.
Not knowing where you're safe sucks.
(gay bashing this issue etc)
My eyes are rolling back in my head and I'm wretching. Why is a gay white man using the word "'hood"? Why is this Queer Issue so fucking boring? What do any of these lame-ass articles have to do with the "Gay Underground"? I mistakenly picked up this issue thinking that the Mercury (as it used to do) would have exerted some effort into the fringes of gay Portland.

As for Lombard, it can hardly be called queer-centric. Lombard Street is roughly twelve miles long and we've got the Blue Parrot and Eagle (not counting Portsmouth Pub, which is an undeniable stretch). That's like calling Division a gay mecca for housing the E-Room, a lesbian-owned cafe, and the Oregon Theater.

Sadly, I read the Mercury less and less nowadays. Four or five years ago, I eagerly awaited Thursdays. Now it's beyond boring. A paper once glorious with luscious, meaty balls has gone past disappointing to hopeless.
I don't think you can throw the GLBTQ into one category. There are lots of gays and lesbians who live quite well amongst their straight neighbors and don't feel the need to participate in aspects of the subculture like going to the Q center or even going to Pride.

Is it really necessary to have 'queer nights'? Is the oppression real or perceived?

I was an out lesbian in Nebraska for 9 years. I had somebody yell "dyke" at me once. I never felt oppressed.

Here in Portland, are people really feeling so oppressed that they need their own neighborhood? Or is there some other reason for gay culture than to fight oppression?

I think that people are quickly changing their minds (in a good way) about GLBTQ equality, and that the need to have a separate subculture is going away. I don't even think there can be a term "gay culture" anymore. What does that even mean?

I agree that safety is really important. But I want my neighborhood integrated because I want everybody to understand that being gay is normal, as normal as being straight. Make every neighborhood safe for gays. There are those who can't move to the 'gay' neighborhood because the economy is forcing them to live in their mom's basement or they don't want to move their kids out of their neighborhood school, etc. Make every place gay-friendly and safe.

And if the consensus is that there still is a need for gay culture and a gay neighborhood, bring your gay-awesomeness to Hillsdale. We'd love to have you here. Bring it West-side, people!

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