In a press release sent today, Third Rail Repertory Theatre's board of directors shared the news that Founding Artistic Director Scott Yarbrough will be stepping down from his position after 15 years. Maureen Porter, who's been the company's managing artistic director since 2016 (and who is a personal favorite Third Railer, according to me) will stay on in her position leading the group.
In the release, Yarbrough touted Porter's leadership, saying, "Maureen has an immense passion and clear vision for the company. I look forward to witnessing her and the company’s continued success."
We've written often about Third Rail, which produces solid, straight-ahead theater that sometimes veers into brilliance. Past season highlights include the Rebecca Lingafelter-directed Lungs, the 17th-century poet/spy chronicle Or, and creepy couple mystery Belleville (I've been wanting someone to spoil it for me FOREVER).
Porter's a veteran with Third Rail who's also had some compelling turns with Portland Experimental Theatre Ensemble (PETE). I suspect that the company will be in good hands with her.