Suzette Smith

Good afternoon, Portland! I'm your new Mercury Arts Editor. I'm not really new but I'm NEW TO YOU. But I'm not really new to you! I've been writing for the Mercury, since 2011 when I was an intern with big hair and even bigger dreams.

You may remember me as the intern who made comics all the time. I still make comics! If you'd like to see some of my recent stuff, I have a comic in the new issue of Vision Quest, Portland’s FREE comics newspaper, which I introduced you to in our 2016 Spring Arts Guide.

I hail from the Detroit area originally, but I've lived in Portland for 10 years (and I haven't owned a car in 10 years). After moving here with no more intention than to live in a city with bike lanes, I fell in love with Portland’s various scrappy arts communities. I've studied sequential art at the Independent Publishing Resource Center and graphic design at Portland State University. From improv comedy to social practice art to promising local authors and graphic novelists, Portland has so many amazing art projects to offer its citizens and visitors. I'm beyond excited to continue the Mercury's fine tradition of arts coverage and just plain cool stuff you'd want to hear about!

Please send me all your arts scoops, press releases, etc. to, and be sure to CC for inclusion in our online events calendar. More info about reaching out to us is available on our contact page. Thanks for reading and I'll talk to you all soon!