RE: One Day at a Time [Oct 28, in which columnist Ann Romano comments on the wage-equality issues being brought to attention in Hollywood].

DEAR MERCURYβ€”Ann Romano has written in this week's One Day at a Time about how Hollywood actresses are complaining about not being paid as much as their male counterparts in recent films. That's a good pointβ€”they should be paid as much. However, this strikes me as just the sort of opportunist, self-centered, narrow-focus feminism I was just reading about in Bell Hooks' Feminism Is for Everybody. Hooks writes about the way the early feminist movement tended to be co-opted by higher class white women who used it as a means to demand more equitable income for themselves in higher paid professions, while turning a deaf ear and a blind eye to the plight of women of color and poor women. I would respect these millionaire Hollywood actresses more if they showed their true commitment to feminism by making a public show of support for, say, the $15 an hour campaign for fast food workers, rather than merely using one plank of feminist movement to aggrandize and enrich themselves.

Reed Bellhooks



RE: "No-Cause Evictions Affect Monster Population" [Halloween Issue Feature, Oct 28] a guide to the city's housing situations for freshly relocated monsters, and "The City Promises More Affordable Housing Funds. Will It Follow Through?" [News, Oct 28].

DEAR MERCURYβ€”I know you are doing your cutesy Halloween spoof article thing, and I will give it to you that it was mostly cute. Gotta draw the line at the no-cause eviction spoof, though...