Congratulations to the oft-imitated, but never duplicated Mercury art director Justin "Scrappers" Morrison for getting one of his brilliant covers into Robert Newman's "My Top 12 Favo(u)rite Magazine Covers of 2013." It was this one!
- Photo: Kelly O — Art Direction: Scrappers
Congrats also to photog Kelly O! (This must have been a grueling assignment!)
Newman is one of the country's top designers having art directed Entertainment Weekly, New York, Details, Village Voice, and more, so he knows of what he speaks. Also in the top 12? Some real beauties including one from our sis publication The Stranger, New York Times Magazine, Harpers, Forbes, and more. Check 'em all out here, and for doing such a great job, we give Scrappers the Mercury's highest honor... the Gary Busey Slow Clap. Congrats, Scrappers!