
Erik, the Yes and No next to The Tube has Crystal Head Vodka. Just sayin'....

Who wants to get some Crystal Head Vodka after work?
@Graham: C'mon, we aren't waiting until after work! That's forever from now. Plans are currently underway to procure some Crystal Head Vodka this afternoon.
@Erik: So what you're saying is that I should stop by the Merc offices for some Slurpees and Crystal Head Vodka?
@Graham: Yes. Please bring the Crystal Head Vodka.
@Erik: So the plan was to convince someone else to buy the $50 bottle of Dan Akroyd booze?
@Graham: Yes. Also, bring Slurpees.
@Graham: And Ironman straws.
This entire exchange makes me want to drink Earnie Hudson brand vodka with no one.
A couple years ago I was a tour guide at a haunted house on Martha's Vineyard- Aykroyd has a house there- and he swung in and paid for the whole (long) line of people's admissions and left- didn't hang to take credit, didn't stay to see the show. Rant or no rant- that kind of generosity gives him a pass in my book.
This was before I was abducted by conservative conspiracy creating aliens, of course.

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