
This is another idea that doesn't properly hit people who drive into portland daily from outside portland. I'd like to see a push for market rate parking prices especially downtown to put a bit more of the hit on suburban commuters.
I imagine most suburban commuters park in a lot or garage. Most of those are operated privately and the public lots / street spaces seem to be priced just about the same rate, so wouldn't the market rate for parking already exists?

The street fee proposal was a cluster and only connected to "roads" tangentially. If there is going to be a dedicated funding source for transportation for the city, this proposal seems targeted and the most "fair" even if it won't directly hit everyone who benefits from road and safety projects.

Of course, some cost savings in connection with this proposal would be great. Any word on the Hales campaign promise to revise management ratios in the city bureaus / agencies?
I.wish this proposal hit both Hummer and SUV drivers harder, as well as autos such as the Prius , eh Pious.
And took less from your average driver.
I often have a hard time finding a place to park downtown, that tells me that we are underpricing parking. Another thing that would help would be heavily taxing the surface parking lots downtown where land is being banked at far below the property tax it should generate by not improving it. In general actually it would be a very good idea to separate the tax on land from the tax on improved value and to increase the tax on land to encourage the highest and best use of all property.
They can take all the money from the Portland Development Commission which is flush with millions and use those millions to fix the streets. They don't need a gas tax. They can also take the 80 million the PDC is planning on wasting to buy the Post office property and use that 80 million to fix the streets.
Since the city of Portland has enacted the $15 minimum wage (base pay) law for it's workers, everyone who's in higher up positions and with more responsibilities than those who do the bare minimum amount of work, etc. have to get significant pay increases as well in comparison to be "fair" for them (and their union) so if you take that into consideration you must realize that it can only be funded by an increase in taxes. Taxes fund the city's jobs even when most of the people living in the city do not gain any of the benefits since they're not employed by the city or local government. Now how is "that" fair?

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