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Hamilton Beach (they make great mixers)
Hamilton University, the defunct unaccredited institution in Wyoming
• Not to be confused with Hamilton College!
Linda Hamilton, cultivator of fine guns
Hamilton Nolan, internet writer
Hamilton Leithauser, owner of a perfectly good butler name
Hamilton Buress? Oh wait that's Hannibal Buress
Hamilton Motor Company, makers of the Model A-14 from 1917 to 1918
Hamilton Karl, a guy Social Media Manager Bri Brey went to college with
Hamilton Middle School, attended by Senior Editor Megan Burbank from 1997-2001
• A PBS documentary ABOUT Hamilton!
Scott Hamilton, figure skating royalty
Star Wars hero Mark Hamill (close enough!)
• 2004 American romantic comedy Win a Date with Tad Hamilton!
HAM-Milton (going hard as a motherfucker on Paradise Lost)
• U of O's Hamilton dorm (specifically, Boynton hall)
Hamiltoe (what you get when your colonial-era pantaloons are too tight)
• A Hamil-ton or -tonne (a measure of weight)
Hamiltron (robot Alexander Hamilton)
• Get Hamiltoned! (It's what happens to you after bench-pressing a stack of Constitutional amendments.)
• Get Hamilstoned! (It's when you are high in the room where it happens.)
• Get Hamilprone! (It's when you are in an Aaron Sorkin production and start monologuin' compulsively.)