Last week I actually asked Matt Zaffino and Erik Henriksen some questions from you guys during my live talk show Late Night with Alex Falcone, and it went surprisingly well. I mean, I didn't ask the blowjob questions, but the ones I did ask were great. This week I'm going to give you another chance AND as an added bonus I'm going to give away TWO TICKETS to my favorite question. E-mail me your questions here and I'll notify the winner by noon tomorrow. Both shows are this weekend at Action/Adventure Theatre (1050 SE Clinton St).
Friday night at 9pm I'm interviewing NY Times best selling author Chelsea Cain. What would you ask somebody who writes thrillers set in Portland? (Also the Doubleclicks are playing. Squee.)
Saturday at 10:30 I'm interviewing Scott Allie of Dark Horse Comics. What questions do you have for somebody working on the Buffy comic book series?