Its Bookworm Christmas, yall!
  • LitHop PDX
  • It's Bookworm Christmas, y'all!

If you love books, tonight's your night! It's LitHop PDX, the most wonderful time of the year, when local presses and national lit journals alike fill six venues in Old Town/Chinatown with 54 writers for boozy, brief readings. If, like me, you're prepping your liver and mind for tonight's LitHop, here's where to dive in—with one caveat. There are 54 authors reading tonight, and I'm not familiar with each and every one of them, so prepare for some good surprises, and understand that the following is in no way an exhaustive list:

Magic Helicopter Press, NOÖ Journal and Perfect Day Publishing have got a stacked lineup at the Shanghai Tunnel (211 SW Ankeny). Portland's foremost Tonya Harding expert, Sarah Marshall (I interviewed her back in February) kicks things off, and she's followed by beloved zinester Martha Grover, Zachary "How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety" Auburn, New Herring Press' Sara Jaffe, and Nick Jaina. (More disclosure/bragging: We ran an excerpt from Jaina's memoir, Get it While You Can, earlier this year.)

—Troy James Weaver, author of the latest from Future Tense Books, will read in another great lineup from Future Tense and The Rumpus at Ash Street Saloon (225 SW Ash). Weaver's Witchita Stories (yes, it's spelled that way on purpose) is a fragmented chronicle of toxic masculinity in the Midwest. You'll want to take a shower after reading it, so grody are some of the truths Weaver tells. Weaver's joined by Justin Hocking, Olivia Olivia, Samiya Bashir, and (!!!) Laura Gibson.

—Bridging literature with social engagement, mobile bike-library Street Books and homeless newspaper Street Roots are hosting readings at the Mercy Corps Action Center (28 SW 1st), featuring readers from both, Ben Hodgson and Julie McCurdy, as well as the brilliant Arthur Bradford, whose latest short-story collection, Turtleface, is one of those few books I've heard only good things about since it was published.

Others of note: Poets Emily Kendal Frey at University of Hell's reading at Dante's (350 W Burnside) and Ed Skoog at Burnside Review's reading at Valentine's (232 SW Ankeny), and the revival of The Soft Show at Floating World Comics (400 NW Couch), which will feature live illustrations of writers' words in real time.

This is just a sampling of tonight's revels. Check out the full schedule here.