DEAR MARGARET: The federal government is a God-forsaken crock of shit! Our tyrannical dictator Barry O'Bama and his corrupt cronies at the BLM are trying to STEAL land meant for hard-working Americans! Instead of useless national parks, America needs MORE land for ranching, logging, and mining our nation's vital resources! This land is for the PEOPLE! Not greedy, land-grabbing TYRANTS!! As for your bird question, I'm not exactly sure... let me check one of the displays here in the office. Okay, so it says that, "Great blue herons are less bulky than sandhill cranes, without the drooping bustle at the tail." It also notes that the refuge is "supporting over 20 percent of the Oregon population of breeding greater sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis tabida)." Sooo... yeah. Sounds like your husband is full of shit. JUST LIKE BARRY O'BAMMY! Thank you for writing. It's kind of lonely up here.
Dear Militia Patriot Occupying a Federal Bird Sanctuary: I'm considering a bird-watching trip to Malheur this spring... but unless I spot some gadwall or Eurasian wigeon, it's not worth my time. How are my chances?—Bill Butler, Omaha, Nebraska