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Bakunin's Shame
The Scofflaws
No Coffee For Porky
Home Away From Homeless
Chaos Out Of Order
This is now a contest. There will a prize and all, details tomorrow. Get going!
In fund we Trust
Hate the Player
Victim Mentality
Misguided Animosity
Mommy's debit card
Neutral Soymilk Hotel
Pinkie Poindexter and the Parlor Pussies
Vegan Whine
The Professed Oppressed
Anarchy, Inc.
Wayne and the Wobblies
Arrest Me
I <3 Pigs
The Nonathletic Brood
The Geek Squad
Not Hip Enough for the A/V Club
Why Bother?
Unfounded Superiority Complexes
The Importance of Being Earnest
Navel Academy
This thread and a pot of coffee are the only things keeping me going today.