Attention crafters: The twice-yearly opportunity to take part in Portland biggest craft orgy, Crafty Wonderland, is upon us again. Their spring event, the Super Colossal Spring Sale, is taking place on Saturday, May 11 at the Convention Center, and they're now taking applications from prospective vendors. And! They're also adding a new component to the event, "Wedding Wonderland," so if wedding thangs are your jam, this could be your year. Competition for this is notoriously fierce, so read the guidelines carefully, and may the best crafters prevail.
Hit the jump for a few bonus tips from the organizers on how to improve your chances.
Not every craft fair is going to be the right fit for your work. If you haven't had a chance to come to one of our shows in the past, take some time exploring our previous vendor lists, peruse our flickr pool, and peek at our facebook page to see if this looks like the right venue for you.
Often, all we have to base our decision on is the 4-5 photos or website link you submit with your application. Make sure your product photos are in focus, well lit, and really show off your work! If photography isn't your forte, have a friend help you or do a trade with someone who will make your products look like superstars. If you're submitting a website, make sure your inventory is up-to-date with the types of items you wish to sell at the sale. It doesn't help us when we reach an empty Etsy shop or a blog where we have to scroll way down to figure out exactly what it is that you make.
Please read all instructions carefully and be sure you are following the directions provided in filling out your application and paying your application fee. When you don't follow directions it creates unnecessary work for us and makes us cuckoo.
We love that you're so crafty that you make 10,000 different types of things, but that doesn't mean they will all look good together in your booth. And it confuses the jury to see so many different types of products in your application. For example, if you make soap, jewelry, clothing, wallets and art prints maybe choose 2 of those media where the products compliment each other the most and apply with those.
We understand the motivations behind wanting to share a booth, but we do caution you to choose your partner wisely. You will be juried as a pair, so the quality and style of your work will be looked at together. This means that the your product lines should make sense together and have a similar aesthetic. We also advise against sharing with a jewelry maker. At least half of our applicants make jewelry - it is by far the most competitive category - so sharing with a jewelry vendor may lessen your chances of being accepted unless their work is mind-blowingly awesome.