Seems to be a growing problem in many cities. Can we at least start getting large groups of kids of other ethnicities to start ransacking, stealing and randomly assaulting people? I am feeling sorta racist.
now if this had been a group of whites wandering around starting trouble with people, especially w/blacks, stealing, assaulting them, etc. oh lawdy help us. the flood of "civil rights leaders" swarming here. but this gets a pass, a blind eye, barely a mention in the news. they are meerly expressing hundreds of years worth of repression. now i classify myself as an independent, socially liberal, economically conservative kind of guy. but this overly politically correct double standard makes me sick to the bone
Black kids are increasingly violent in Portland. Look at MAX and around Lloyd Center and Holladay Park. These so-called community leaders don't do anything about it. This is really on the parents and leaders in the black community to stop it. Laziness and apathy obviously aren't doing the trick. Yes, I'm white and yes, I'm right. As white people, we are expected to stand up to dipshits in our race and hold them accountable. But there are too many pasty liberal jellyfish that try to justify the violent behavior of other races. Why is that? Everyone should be held to the same standards. I don't care who you are. If you're a violent thug then you need to be removed from society. White, black, purple. Every one of you.
It's called Wlidin' and it has been increasing in popularity across the nation the last few summers. This seems to be a variation on wildin' called Knockout King, where a black person will cheap-shot a random white in the chin to knock them down.
StjohnRules: What about ol' George Zimmerman? The Right-wing is standing up for that murderer, donating tons of cash and lying about him on TV. What do you say to that? And it's not only George Zimmerman, hell, the NRA is offering up insurance policies to defend in court anyone who is accused of a gun crime. I mean, there's a whole system in place to defend Right-wing nut-bags like yourself. Was this attack in Laurelhurst Park racially motivated? To me, it certainly sounds like it. And I know if it were large groups of white teenagers attacking minorities, the media in this town would have a field day! I agree with that point... but, for you to say that the Right-wing is without fault in this matter, honey please. You a fool, and you know you a fool. BOTH parties are guilty in such matters, and you know it. You fool.
this was absolutely racially motivated. One teen was heard saying "lets bang on those white boys"
I just wonder how differently this would have played out if one of those white boys were carrying
I SINCERELY want to get an understanding of how we (nonblacks) can see this differently. I read Chicago Times and Seattle Times daily and those cities are struggling with the same issues. The black community is going to advance itself significantly of it starts calling their own out on it. As a female I come down HARD on women who play victim when they are not because it calls into question every woman who had truly been raped or beaten or victimized in some way ( yep, I see this BIG TIME manipulation by women.Fight wirh boyfriend? Go to ER and get a rape kit performed, just in case you dont make up--but that's another thread) . I just see it as speaking the truth. It is what I think one has an obligation to do across the board and hold no allegiance when it comes to injustice.
Help us here, it's hard not to call it the obvious for a much as I wish I could understand things differently. I have spent my life( and try to continue to do so) defending and trying to explain using systematic oppression behind such issues, but at some point it get harder to defend the crap that seems almost entrenched in the black community.
@#8 Seems like you have already convicted George Zimmerman. That is your cross to bear. But you weren't there and we have a system set up to deal with these things. As far as your NRA comment goes, if more people around Laurelhurst were carrying, maybe one of these dumbshit thugs would get to be an example. I have absolutely no sympathy for any race that gangs up and attacks innocent people for no reason. Seriously, all of these idiots need to be taught a lesson. I'd rather an NRA member be able to defend themselves than have some innocent person get hurt. Any day.
Geez, some *unregistered commentors sure as Hell are getting all defensive about this. First off, why don't you folks (or the one single guy who keeps posting under different pseudo-names) GET AN OFFICIAL ACCOUNT - instead of making these chicken-shit hit n' run comments that you don't even have to account for?
Secondly, i lived within 4 blocks of Laurelhurst Park for over three years, and i never heard of any such incidents happening. These alleged "attacks" are on account of who... the police? No evidence. No formal news report. No interview with the alleged "victim". No crime scene photos. Just a single simple blog-post along with a couple of police quotes.
Yeeeah, i'm gonna have to be the OBJECTIVE reader here and call bullocks on this until more to the story comes to light.
DamosA -- there were reports on KATU and KGW. Furthermore, Laurelhurst Park has in the past had a reputation of violent crimes occurring, specifically, crimes against women.
But, when a large group of teenagers attacks another teenage boy who is not part of a large group and then this same group of teenagers attacks 3 grown men, simply because of their race, it is not appropriate for these acts to be dismissed as "weird".
In addition, they are not "weird" at all, these kinds of crimes are known as "wilding", a stupid term, but one that is fairly well-known to anyone who lives in any sort of urban area. Perhaps these teenagers are the same groups of teenagers who recently ransacked a convenience store in SE, targeting white customers and a white employee? I hate to pull the race card -- but someone has to, because it's blatantly obvious.
Perhaps if Ms. Mirk can get over the "weirdness" of this violent crime, she could do a little, oh I don't know, actual reporting? A little investigating? Is there a culture of black on white violence brewing in the Portland area? You're ridiculous if you think there isn't.
StJohnsRules: here is your quote: "But there are too many pasty liberal jellyfish that try to justify the violent behavior of other races. Why is that?"
So, here you are, generalizing, name-calling and already ASSUMING that the Left with proudly stand up and defend these attackers. AGAIN, and I use all caps because it appears as if your reading comprehension skills are somewhat lacking, so I must YELL at you: The Right has DEFENDED George Zimmerman. Did I say he was innocent? No, I didn't (again: reading comprehension, you idiot), and that wasn't my point anyway. Once more: My point is that the Right is DEFENDING him, like you are. And lastly, to repeat myself YET AGAIN: the NRA is actually offering an insurance policy to DEFEND people accused of gun crimes. They don't specify if those people are the perpetrators or the victims... and I'm sure that they don't really care. Use a gun? We'll DEFEND you. So, go about your merry white way and live in your land of disillusionment, where the Left is ALWAYS wrong and the Right can do NO WRONG. You sir, are yet another dip-shit Republicant who can't think for themselves, but only REGURGITATE what they've been TOLD to think. Go wrap yourself in the flag, crack open a Bud, loosen up your pants to let your rather LARGE belly out, turn on FOX News, turn off your brain and have a good day.
Well i think Ms. Mirk had it spot on when she described these alleged attacks as "weird" - b/c they are. I've never heard of such a thing occurring there. But hey, i've only lived right next to the place for over three years and use to frequent it a lot... so what do i know?
And you cite those other so-called news outlets as if they were legitimate sources. Sorry, but you'll have to do better than that. KATU is out-right slanderous and un-trustworthy. KGW i know little of - basically, i pay attention to neither one. If you could come up with a better example - other than some obscure local Fox-affiliate known for dubious reporting - then perhaps we can have a real adult discussion.
Until then, all i'm seeing in this story is hear-say and race-baiting.
@DamosA. so what news source would qualify? and KGW isn't FOX it's an NBC affiliate.
These attacks were horrible hate crimes and you know it. Just because they don't fit your mold doesn't change the facts.
Or did that boy beat himself bloody?
and your logic that "it didn't happen when I was there so it couldn't possible happen when I wasn't" is so deeply fucked up. Even a dimwit like you should understand how that's bullshit.
Love all the tough internet warriors talking tough about what should be done about all the out-of-control hordes of black hoodlums and welfare moms. I especially love the cowardly and tedious touch of ranting explicitly about TEH BLACKS and then trying to conclude by saying: I'm really talking about ANY ethnicity though. Yeah right, internet racists.
Man, oh man... so many ignorant white folks here (or posers trying to rile some shit up) who can't string a fucking sentence together, talking about how it is, laying down some deep and intelligent reason for all of our social ills: Minorities. Please... all I see, ALL DAY long, are a bunch of WHITE meth head FREAKS, overweight Wal-Mart shoppers and McDonald's eaters, popping out baby after baby, living off the system. And who defends them? Well, apparently, you idiots do. Here you are, after being FED a line of shit regarding minorities by your corporate MASTERS, telling you what to think and who to hate. They have you people fighting with one another, all the while, they're sitting in their mansions laughing at you. It's sad, really... to think you're so fucking ignorant that you can be so easily led to the slaughter. Who's to blame for YOUR bad decisions and YOUR lot in life? Why, it's the minorities, of course! Why are you stupid and why do you have a crappy job? The BLACK people! Why are you overweight and why do people say you SMELL? The Mexicans are to blame! "I can't get no job, cause them Mexicans be taking them all, and me not go out at night, cuz there's them black thugs roaming the streets. Darla, will ya pass me them Cheetos?" IDIOTS! You people sicken me, not because of your beliefs, because that is expected from the likes of you fools, but because you are SO FUCKING STUPID that you can't see what's really going on. I envision you, sitting in your well-worn recliner, watching hour after hour of FOX News, listening to hour after hour of some Right-Wing talking head show, just CONSUMING what they're feeding you. You're also super fat in this image, of course... fat, greasy, STUPID and just fucking pathetic. Oh god, some of you white people are just dumb. Ya'll ain't the sharpest tools in that there shed, boy howdy.
They Told Him; Don't You Ever Come Around Here!
Don't Wanna See Your Face, You Better Disappear
The Fire's In Their Eyes And Their Words Are Really Clear
So Beat It, Just Beat It
You Better Run, You Better Do What You Can
Don't Wanna See No Blood, Don't Be A Macho Man
You Wanna Be Tough, Better Do What You Can
So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It
No One Wants To Be Defeated
Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight
It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right
Just Beat It, Beat It
Almost all of this conversation is fucking retarded. Little pussies who rely on numbers to start shit, an outpouring of racism in response-- what kind of life are you all living? Better die true than live like that. See you on the other side.
I see all the racist-ass dipshits are piling on now.
What's really fucked up is, most likely no such "attacks" ever took place, even! What is the EVIDENCE, i keep asking??? Vague online reports that cannot be backed up. Assumptions by police who themselves are obviously LIYING. No photos. No reports of arrests. We have NOTHING! And all you racist fuckwits get on here, with your chicken-shit comments, talking shit about "mobs of Black kids", etc.
Soo pathetic. Like that White woman in Vancouver who told that bold-faced LIE about how some unidentified Black woman threw acid in here face. Yeah, we all know how THAT turned out. But i called that shit out the moment i first heard the story.
You bring up one instance where a fabricated crime is reported,but fail to mention the scores of these type of crimes that have taken place across the country.You(guy with wolf on sig) are the reason I hate liberals. You'd rather climb a tree and defend the behavior of feral idiots than use rational thought and seeing it for what it is! I live in the Black Belt of Georgia,my counties racial demographic is roughly 70/30 black.Why do these type of attacks not happend here ? Why do they seem to happend in so called"socially progressive"cities like Portland? People like you are the real problem Wolf Boy!
There are police reports and several news reports of these incidents online, not "vague" stories. Not sure why you call this vague. There have been other such reports over the years including Seattle.
It is happening all over America. If you google "black on white violence". Sticking your head in the sand and denying events will not make them go away. Obstinately denying the truth you are responsible. If you think it is "racist" to fear blacks then you must be a spoiled protected naive child. Please go play in a black neighborhood carrying your phone, ipod, etc. Unreal the obtuse blindness.
As someone that lives 3 blocks from Laurelhurst, I have to side with DamosA on this one. Nobody knows for sure what happened that night. Summer vacation just started this week and that means teenagers will be out at odd hours until September. I have seen groups of black kids there and not once have I been threatened in any way (then again, I do walk there with a big dog) so I will not be taking what the media says as gospel. HOWEVER- This is the EXACT SAME POSITION I took when the Trayvon Martin story broke and people fell all over themselves to judge me as a racist cracker with ties to Ron Paul. And that, to me, is "weird."
@iceprez. Usually I respect what you have to say. You seem like a reasonable person. But you have to admit that the "it hasn't happened to me so I'm skeptical" reasoning is a bit off. Just because you've never been decapitated in a car accident doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. No matter how "weird."
Very astute reasoning. It is reminiscent of how birds sitting on a fence can be picked-off one by one with a rifle, and they will not fly away because they cannot grasp the fact that they are next. Similarly, turkeys will flock around the guy that is twisting their necks right in front of their faces, yet they simply cannot comprehend what is happening.
It would be schadenfreude to just sit back and watch these sheep-like naive get it. Even then, as the racial violence escalates and property values plummet with white flight, these turkeys will still not get it. Darwin was right maybe this is just natural law being played out.
Perhaps it would be best to remain silent and allow nature to take it's course. Protected in their white liberal cocoons, sheltered and coddled, like the Dodo Bird they will not grok until it is too late.
Maybe it is best to give them what they want. Full integration all Portland schools and neighborhoods. Time for some tough love.
"I'll get you, my little pretty, and your little dog, Toto, too!" - The Wicked Witch
@48 & 49- All I am saying is that the media, no matter the story, never has all the details until the dust has settled a bit. I'm not calling bullshit on anything, but I do not know if these kids went out specifically to seek out and assault white people. I do acknowledge that a precendent for this kind of behavior has been established in the past, but it is unknown if this incident can be classified as such. Furthermore, I am not going to be deterred from going to the park out of some asinine fear of teenage children. I will also add that I have never been given any grief from perverts, homeless, or substance abusers at Laurelhurst, and I have been going there by myself since I was a kid. Portland is a big city and in big cities random ass-whippings happen from time to time. If this scares you, stay indoors or take a self-defense course.
feral? Like wild animals, right? Yep, nothing at all racist about THAT! And i guess there's no need to point out how racist hate crimes have taken a sharp rise since 2008 (i predicted as much in Aug 2008, once Sarah Palin was announced as vice Republican nominee). Racist violent attacks against Blacks, Latinos, and anyone who even remotely appears to be Arab, as well as homophobic attacks (murders in afew cases) against Gays have jumped greatly over the past 4 years. The racist slayings of Trayvon Martin and Darius Simmons - both children, both unarmed - are but recent examples of an on-going and escalating war against people of color in America.
Infact, the DOJ themselves have reported that the biggest terrorist threat in this country comes from DOMESTIC WHITE/CHRISTIAN TERRORISM! Don't even let me get started on historical context and precedent.
But hey!
Let's just ignore all that boring factual stuff, a focus on isolated incidents where some White dude might've gotten his ass beat-down by a Black guy. An alleged fight amongst teenagers in a local park - WILD FERAL N****** RUNNING AMOK!!! DAMNED LIBERALS!!! KILL 'EM ALL!!!!!
Wilding is nothing new. It has existed for decades. Violence such as this is absolutely not new and does not have a face or color. Growing up in South Boston it was not at uncommon to see or hear of groups of white teenagers attacking black teens or adults. Different time , different area but you get the gist. Racially motivated or simply misplaced anger, the results are the same. It does not sound like the men who were assaulted were very badly injured, which is good. The only thing that is "weird" to some people is that this took place in safe "white " Portland. Probably said people have not seen much of the darker side of human existence, luckily for them. I agree that community out reach is a good answer, and given the readership of this publication I am willing to bet some of you are nervous. Don't be, maybe avoid poorly lit places late at night I suppose. Finally, I am not a supporter of President Obama(although I did vote for him) but suggesting this has anything to do with him or his policies is laughable.
"I carry a Glock 39 and an extra clip. Try wilding me and you will not fare well."
Ooh, fucking tough guy, this one is? Why, he's soo bad-ass he has to cower behind an *unregistered comment! Got a CCP to go along with that Glock and extra clip, eh tough guy?
There had been a growing divide in the black community and I anticipate in the near future it will not be as easy to write off one's criticim as the white guy being racists. Bill Cosby initially was given a lot of flack over his criticism of lower class blacks, but you are hearing similar thoughts from others such as Henry Louis gates and Juan Williams to name a couple. And of course we all know what Chris Rock had to say.
Looks like resident skinhead "cad" lacks the intelligence and sophistication to properly debate like an adult. Therefore, he has to resort to stalking other people's profiles and concoct illogical fallacies in place of a solid argument.
This is a typical response from a loser with delusions of always being under siege. Alot like how christians and zionists like playing the victim card alot.
It's such a shame that the mere mention of race and racism in any discourse is this incendiary. It makes grown adults (who I assume most of these posters to be) act like schoolyard bullies. C'mon people have we forgot all common courtesy? Let me just share my view and, no, I'm not trying pucker any rectums. I'm merely stating facts: Trayvon Martin's heinous murder deserved all of the media attention it received. If it's proven that George Zimmmerman murdered Mr. Martin in cold blood and was acquitted then, yes, Mr. Zimmerman deserved to be retried and convicted, along with what ever legal team let him off the hook. If Mr. Martin's murder didn't receive all this media attention then, yes, the killing may have remained a silent tragedy, the worst kind of tragedy possible.
At the time I was in the hospital dealing with a dying father. To pass the time, I watched a lot of CNN. Every single show was about Mr. Martin's murder. By the hour it was Trayvon/Zimmerman this-Trayvon-Zimmerman that. Good. However, I couldn't help but think why weren't these reports the given the same attention?
The murder of Kelly Thomas:
2) The beyond brutal murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom:…
3) Beat Whitey Night at the Idaho State Fair:
4)Chicago beaches shut down after hordes of gang members assaulting white pedestrians:…
5) The murder of Beverly Hope Melton:
6) This hate crime:…
These are the silent tragedies of today. Why? It's simple: We have a liberal-biased national media that chooses ideology before ethics. Call me crazy, but I think that the assault or murder of any innocent person, regardless of their skin color or lack thereof is WRONG! Have we become so depraved that the value of human life has to take a backseat to ethnicity? It's sickening! For future posters, yeah, you can say what you want but please have some class about it. God bless.
It's such a shame that the mere mention of race and racism in any discourse is this incendiary. It makes grown adults (who I assume most of these posters to be) act like schoolyard bullies. C'mon people have we forgot all common courtesy? Let me just share my view and, no, I'm not trying pucker any rectums. I'm merely stating facts: Trayvon Martin's heinous murder deserved all of the media attention it received. If it's proven that George Zimmmerman murdered Mr. Martin in cold blood and was acquitted then, yes, Mr. Zimmerman deserved to be retried and convicted, along with what ever legal team let him off the hook. If Mr. Martin's murder didn't receive all this media attention then, yes, the killing may have remained a silent tragedy, the worst kind of tragedy possible.
At the time I was in the hospital dealing with a dying father. To pass the time, I watched a lot of CNN. Every single show was about Mr. Martin's murder. By the hour it was Trayvon/Zimmerman this-Trayvon-Zimmerman that. Good. However, I couldn't help but think why weren't these reports the given the same attention?
The murder of Kelly Thomas:
2) The beyond brutal murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom:…
3) Beat Whitey Night at the Idaho State Fair:
4)Chicago beaches shut down after hordes of gang members assaulting white pedestrians:…
5) The murder of Beverly Hope Melton:
6) This hate crime:…
These are the silent tragedies of today. Why? It's simple: We have a liberal-biased national media that chooses ideology before ethics. Call me crazy, but I think that the assault or murder of any innocent person, regardless of their skin color or lack thereof is WRONG! Have we become so depraved that the value of human life has to take a backseat to ethnicity? It's sickening! For future posters, yeah, you can say what you want but please have some class about it. God bless.
It's such a shame that the mere mention of race and racism in any discourse is this incendiary. It makes grown adults (who I assume most of these posters to be) act like schoolyard bullies. C'mon people have we forgot all common courtesy? Let me just share my view and, no, I'm not trying pucker any rectums. I'm merely stating facts: Trayvon Martin's heinous murder deserved all of the media attention it received. If it's proven that George Zimmmerman murdered Mr. Martin in cold blood and was acquitted then, yes, Mr. Zimmerman deserved to be retried and convicted, along with what ever legal team let him off the hook. If Mr. Martin's murder didn't receive all this media attention then, yes, the killing may have remained a silent tragedy, the worst kind of tragedy possible.
At the time I was in the hospital dealing with a dying father. To pass the time, I watched a lot of CNN. Every single show was about Mr. Martin's murder. By the hour it was Trayvon/Zimmerman this-Trayvon-Zimmerman that. Good. However, I couldn't help but think why weren't these reports the given the same attention?
The murder of Kelly Thomas:
2) The beyond brutal murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom:…
3) Beat Whitey Night at the Idaho State Fair:
4)Chicago beaches shut down after hordes of gang members assaulting white pedestrians:…
5) The murder of Beverly Hope Melton:
6) This hate crime:…
These are the silent tragedies of today. Why? It's simple: We have a liberal-biased national media that chooses ideology before ethics. Call me crazy, but I think that the assault or murder of any innocent person, regardless of their skin color or lack thereof is WRONG! Have we become so depraved that the value of human life has to take a backseat to ethnicity? It's sickening! For future posters, yeah, you can say what you want but please have some class about it. God bless.
Right. B/c NO skinhead is racist, calling someone who's racist a skinhead is the same as slandering ALL skinheads as racists. Sure, Mr. "no name", THAT'S what i said.
"A white person around a pack of black teens in a secluded park might as well be taking a stroll through a jungle full of chimps..."
Thanks for reinforcing my already well-ground point, I appreciate that. Sometimes i don't even have to try and convince people. All i have to do is let bozos like YOU do the talking for me.
Anyone else notice the people who are bending over backwards trying to justify this sick, anti-social behavior are quick to attack white people while coming unhinged here? They demonize white people for calling minorities out for their bad behavior? What is that? Damosa and Capt Amerigo obviously hate white people. Well, thankfully most good people can see this problem for what it is, not what racists want to make it out to be. Black people were responsible for this and many other crimes like it. Deal with reality, man. Black people commit crimes. They really, really do.
@stjohnsrules yes they do,just as White, Asian, Pacific Islanders etc do. I am not going to justify any of this as ok or that beyond the norm. I would venture to say that these are young men who face pressures both peer driven and socially driven. I do not know any of them but this is not an uncommon phenomenon regardless of race. It is not a comforting thought that one cannot take a midnight though a park without a bat, but I think this is an isolated incident. Then again I have lived in Baltimore and our Nations capital and there is an entirely racial dynamic. @gloworm, point taken but you must admit for someone who is not black to say such things it could be construed as racism, could it not?
@72: Recently I have seen on the local news several incidents such as this last one and not one of the incidents were white kids committing the act. If you have any credible evidence to suggest otherwise, please share with the class. I'm not the type of person easily swayed away from reality. The reality I see is minority kids committing these type of moronic crimes and people who will bend over backwards to make excuses for them. No one is doing them or society a favor by giving them an excuse to act like a useless knob. Many people rise above a tough upbringing and become successful. The rest deserve what they get if they act like this against society instead of becoming a positive part of society.
I think we will make better progress as society when we speak openly from a genuine ( genuine meaning we are sincerely invested in broadening our understanding) place rather than censor ourselves out of fear of being called whatever, in this case racist. I don't give to shits about whatever name one wants to lay on me, it all seems so strange that we get so worked up over it.
I also have experienced that when you hold the bar high for adolescents, they will meet it for the most part. Same goes for lowering the bar, which is what we do when we fail to expect people to do better. It has NEVER helped to make excuses for people.
So it's quite apparent that you do nothing really but watch TV news (breaks in b/t 4chan sessions, no doubt) and tease out a few sensationalist stories, makes a thin connection b/t them, and draws the conclusion that ALL BLACK PEOPLE ARE (fill in racist demagogic stereo-type here).
Need i remind you who makes up damn-near all pedophiles again?
@78 When pedophiles start roaming the streets in large gangs committing senseless acts of violence, let me know. There is also a big difference here. People like you, Duhmosa, want to try attention away from the real problem, which is a gang of BLACK KIDS ROAMING THE STREETS OF PORTLAND ATTACKING PEOPLE. This has nothing to do with pedos. Unless you count Sam Adams. Then one could argue that a pedo is responsible for not doing enough to protect Portland from BLACKS SENSELESS ATTACKING PEOPLE.
"If you think it is "racist" to fear blacks then you must be a spoiled protected naive child."
Or someone who can accurately spot racism, since "fearing blacks" means fearing them as a race, as if being black makes you more prone to violence. That's bigotry in a nutshell.
Even if the "white boys" were carrying M-16s with 5 clips of ammunition, 150 gang-banging teens would have been more than enough to overhwhelm and kill each of them quite easily. Maybe decapitate them and take their heads for trophies.
As a liberal, I just signed up for my first concealed weapons class at the Multnomah County Sheriffs office!
I lived right across the street from the tennis court for over 5 years (2005-2010). While there was people in the park after dark frequently, I never saw the level of violence I see in this article. Police used to come to our house every time something happened anywhere near there, but we were not the cause. I guess this proves that 441 SE 37th was NOT the neighborhood problem the PPB tried to make it out to be. Are ya safer without us there? Doesn't sound like it.
Violence from blacks in SE Portland is becoming overwhelming. We play softball once a week at Mt Scott park on 72nd & Harold. They let their children run wild and cause destruction to our parks. Last Wednesday they continued to let their children run through our game. On the 5th occassion of them telling their children to run through it, we'd had enough. On the 5th event, they sent a 12 year old girl who looked 25 through our field. We told her to get her @ss off the field. She went crying to her Mom, who proceeded to bring 9 of her friends onto our field to start a fight. She got one and got their asses kicked. Do not mess with bikers who play softball in SE. This is our neighborhood and OUR turf. Stepping into Hell's Kitchen will only get you burned and this is not Christian Camp. Who is stupid enough to mess with bikers? Black people who come from N Portland and no experience. Have you learned your lesson yet? If not, we'll give it another shot.
Please wait...
and remember to be decent to everyone all of the time.
think of what they could accomplish
@DamosA. Yes, the assailants do seem to be racists.
I just wonder how differently this would have played out if one of those white boys were carrying
I SINCERELY want to get an understanding of how we (nonblacks) can see this differently. I read Chicago Times and Seattle Times daily and those cities are struggling with the same issues. The black community is going to advance itself significantly of it starts calling their own out on it. As a female I come down HARD on women who play victim when they are not because it calls into question every woman who had truly been raped or beaten or victimized in some way ( yep, I see this BIG TIME manipulation by women.Fight wirh boyfriend? Go to ER and get a rape kit performed, just in case you dont make up--but that's another thread) . I just see it as speaking the truth. It is what I think one has an obligation to do across the board and hold no allegiance when it comes to injustice.
Help us here, it's hard not to call it the obvious for a much as I wish I could understand things differently. I have spent my life( and try to continue to do so) defending and trying to explain using systematic oppression behind such issues, but at some point it get harder to defend the crap that seems almost entrenched in the black community.
Secondly, i lived within 4 blocks of Laurelhurst Park for over three years, and i never heard of any such incidents happening. These alleged "attacks" are on account of who... the police? No evidence. No formal news report. No interview with the alleged "victim". No crime scene photos. Just a single simple blog-post along with a couple of police quotes.
Yeeeah, i'm gonna have to be the OBJECTIVE reader here and call bullocks on this until more to the story comes to light.
But, when a large group of teenagers attacks another teenage boy who is not part of a large group and then this same group of teenagers attacks 3 grown men, simply because of their race, it is not appropriate for these acts to be dismissed as "weird".
In addition, they are not "weird" at all, these kinds of crimes are known as "wilding", a stupid term, but one that is fairly well-known to anyone who lives in any sort of urban area. Perhaps these teenagers are the same groups of teenagers who recently ransacked a convenience store in SE, targeting white customers and a white employee? I hate to pull the race card -- but someone has to, because it's blatantly obvious.
Perhaps if Ms. Mirk can get over the "weirdness" of this violent crime, she could do a little, oh I don't know, actual reporting? A little investigating? Is there a culture of black on white violence brewing in the Portland area? You're ridiculous if you think there isn't.
So, here you are, generalizing, name-calling and already ASSUMING that the Left with proudly stand up and defend these attackers. AGAIN, and I use all caps because it appears as if your reading comprehension skills are somewhat lacking, so I must YELL at you: The Right has DEFENDED George Zimmerman. Did I say he was innocent? No, I didn't (again: reading comprehension, you idiot), and that wasn't my point anyway. Once more: My point is that the Right is DEFENDING him, like you are. And lastly, to repeat myself YET AGAIN: the NRA is actually offering an insurance policy to DEFEND people accused of gun crimes. They don't specify if those people are the perpetrators or the victims... and I'm sure that they don't really care. Use a gun? We'll DEFEND you. So, go about your merry white way and live in your land of disillusionment, where the Left is ALWAYS wrong and the Right can do NO WRONG. You sir, are yet another dip-shit Republicant who can't think for themselves, but only REGURGITATE what they've been TOLD to think. Go wrap yourself in the flag, crack open a Bud, loosen up your pants to let your rather LARGE belly out, turn on FOX News, turn off your brain and have a good day.
And you cite those other so-called news outlets as if they were legitimate sources. Sorry, but you'll have to do better than that. KATU is out-right slanderous and un-trustworthy. KGW i know little of - basically, i pay attention to neither one. If you could come up with a better example - other than some obscure local Fox-affiliate known for dubious reporting - then perhaps we can have a real adult discussion.
Until then, all i'm seeing in this story is hear-say and race-baiting.
These attacks were horrible hate crimes and you know it. Just because they don't fit your mold doesn't change the facts.
Or did that boy beat himself bloody?
They Told Him; Don't You Ever Come Around Here!
Don't Wanna See Your Face, You Better Disappear
The Fire's In Their Eyes And Their Words Are Really Clear
So Beat It, Just Beat It
You Better Run, You Better Do What You Can
Don't Wanna See No Blood, Don't Be A Macho Man
You Wanna Be Tough, Better Do What You Can
So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It
No One Wants To Be Defeated
Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight
It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right
Just Beat It, Beat It
What's really fucked up is, most likely no such "attacks" ever took place, even! What is the EVIDENCE, i keep asking??? Vague online reports that cannot be backed up. Assumptions by police who themselves are obviously LIYING. No photos. No reports of arrests. We have NOTHING! And all you racist fuckwits get on here, with your chicken-shit comments, talking shit about "mobs of Black kids", etc.
Soo pathetic. Like that White woman in Vancouver who told that bold-faced LIE about how some unidentified Black woman threw acid in here face. Yeah, we all know how THAT turned out. But i called that shit out the moment i first heard the story.
And i'm calling this bullshit out, too!
Huh Damosa?
Guess those never happened either.
There are police reports and several news reports of these incidents online, not "vague" stories. Not sure why you call this vague. There have been other such reports over the years including Seattle.
It is happening all over America. If you google "black on white violence". Sticking your head in the sand and denying events will not make them go away. Obstinately denying the truth you are responsible. If you think it is "racist" to fear blacks then you must be a spoiled protected naive child. Please go play in a black neighborhood carrying your phone, ipod, etc. Unreal the obtuse blindness.………
(scroll down to the heading: "Portland Police Investigating Two Assaults in Laurelhurst Park - 06/15/12"
An example from Baltimore:…
Google this: "black on white" crime
If you continue to deny with the facts staring you point blank in the face then there is something seriously wrong.
And I'm half black!
Try taking a stroll without your dog!
Once you get your cracker-ass smashed in, do check in with the rest of us.
Very astute reasoning. It is reminiscent of how birds sitting on a fence can be picked-off one by one with a rifle, and they will not fly away because they cannot grasp the fact that they are next. Similarly, turkeys will flock around the guy that is twisting their necks right in front of their faces, yet they simply cannot comprehend what is happening.
It would be schadenfreude to just sit back and watch these sheep-like naive get it. Even then, as the racial violence escalates and property values plummet with white flight, these turkeys will still not get it. Darwin was right maybe this is just natural law being played out.
Perhaps it would be best to remain silent and allow nature to take it's course. Protected in their white liberal cocoons, sheltered and coddled, like the Dodo Bird they will not grok until it is too late.
Maybe it is best to give them what they want. Full integration all Portland schools and neighborhoods. Time for some tough love.
"I'll get you, my little pretty, and your little dog, Toto, too!" - The Wicked Witch
feral? Like wild animals, right? Yep, nothing at all racist about THAT! And i guess there's no need to point out how racist hate crimes have taken a sharp rise since 2008 (i predicted as much in Aug 2008, once Sarah Palin was announced as vice Republican nominee). Racist violent attacks against Blacks, Latinos, and anyone who even remotely appears to be Arab, as well as homophobic attacks (murders in afew cases) against Gays have jumped greatly over the past 4 years. The racist slayings of Trayvon Martin and Darius Simmons - both children, both unarmed - are but recent examples of an on-going and escalating war against people of color in America.
Infact, the DOJ themselves have reported that the biggest terrorist threat in this country comes from DOMESTIC WHITE/CHRISTIAN TERRORISM! Don't even let me get started on historical context and precedent.
But hey!
Let's just ignore all that boring factual stuff, a focus on isolated incidents where some White dude might've gotten his ass beat-down by a Black guy. An alleged fight amongst teenagers in a local park - WILD FERAL N****** RUNNING AMOK!!! DAMNED LIBERALS!!! KILL 'EM ALL!!!!!
Ooh, fucking tough guy, this one is? Why, he's soo bad-ass he has to cower behind an *unregistered comment! Got a CCP to go along with that Glock and extra clip, eh tough guy?
Check the profile of DamosA it reads:
"The five "review" stars above ought to be inverted, in order to properly represent the Five Individual Points of Satan."
A real rabid nut case. This explains a lot.
Watch for signs of rabies (snarling foaming at the mouth) and call animal control. If wolf boy bites be sure to get rabies shots.
"Portland is a big city..." yeah sure it is.
Let nature take its course.
Nobody misses the Dodo bird anyway.
"Portland is a big city..." yeah sure it is.
Let nature take its course.
Nobody misses the Dodo bird anyway.
It is wasted effort to try to convince the obstinate.
Hey why not sponsor section 8 housing in Laurelhurst and buses to bring 'em into the park.
Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.
This is a typical response from a loser with delusions of always being under siege. Alot like how christians and zionists like playing the victim card alot.
You are the satanist and expert on stalking and evil.
Go to hell. The devil take your soul.
At the time I was in the hospital dealing with a dying father. To pass the time, I watched a lot of CNN. Every single show was about Mr. Martin's murder. By the hour it was Trayvon/Zimmerman this-Trayvon-Zimmerman that. Good. However, I couldn't help but think why weren't these reports the given the same attention?
The murder of Kelly Thomas:
2) The beyond brutal murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom:…
3) Beat Whitey Night at the Idaho State Fair:
4)Chicago beaches shut down after hordes of gang members assaulting white pedestrians:…
5) The murder of Beverly Hope Melton:
6) This hate crime:…
These are the silent tragedies of today. Why? It's simple: We have a liberal-biased national media that chooses ideology before ethics. Call me crazy, but I think that the assault or murder of any innocent person, regardless of their skin color or lack thereof is WRONG! Have we become so depraved that the value of human life has to take a backseat to ethnicity? It's sickening! For future posters, yeah, you can say what you want but please have some class about it. God bless.
At the time I was in the hospital dealing with a dying father. To pass the time, I watched a lot of CNN. Every single show was about Mr. Martin's murder. By the hour it was Trayvon/Zimmerman this-Trayvon-Zimmerman that. Good. However, I couldn't help but think why weren't these reports the given the same attention?
The murder of Kelly Thomas:
2) The beyond brutal murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom:…
3) Beat Whitey Night at the Idaho State Fair:
4)Chicago beaches shut down after hordes of gang members assaulting white pedestrians:…
5) The murder of Beverly Hope Melton:
6) This hate crime:…
These are the silent tragedies of today. Why? It's simple: We have a liberal-biased national media that chooses ideology before ethics. Call me crazy, but I think that the assault or murder of any innocent person, regardless of their skin color or lack thereof is WRONG! Have we become so depraved that the value of human life has to take a backseat to ethnicity? It's sickening! For future posters, yeah, you can say what you want but please have some class about it. God bless.
At the time I was in the hospital dealing with a dying father. To pass the time, I watched a lot of CNN. Every single show was about Mr. Martin's murder. By the hour it was Trayvon/Zimmerman this-Trayvon-Zimmerman that. Good. However, I couldn't help but think why weren't these reports the given the same attention?
The murder of Kelly Thomas:
2) The beyond brutal murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom:…
3) Beat Whitey Night at the Idaho State Fair:
4)Chicago beaches shut down after hordes of gang members assaulting white pedestrians:…
5) The murder of Beverly Hope Melton:
6) This hate crime:…
These are the silent tragedies of today. Why? It's simple: We have a liberal-biased national media that chooses ideology before ethics. Call me crazy, but I think that the assault or murder of any innocent person, regardless of their skin color or lack thereof is WRONG! Have we become so depraved that the value of human life has to take a backseat to ethnicity? It's sickening! For future posters, yeah, you can say what you want but please have some class about it. God bless.
Right. B/c NO skinhead is racist, calling someone who's racist a skinhead is the same as slandering ALL skinheads as racists. Sure, Mr. "no name", THAT'S what i said.
"A white person around a pack of black teens in a secluded park might as well be taking a stroll through a jungle full of chimps..."
Thanks for reinforcing my already well-ground point, I appreciate that. Sometimes i don't even have to try and convince people. All i have to do is let bozos like YOU do the talking for me.
It's all good, bro. Point well received.
So it's quite apparent that you do nothing really but watch TV news (breaks in b/t 4chan sessions, no doubt) and tease out a few sensationalist stories, makes a thin connection b/t them, and draws the conclusion that ALL BLACK PEOPLE ARE (fill in racist demagogic stereo-type here).
Need i remind you who makes up damn-near all pedophiles again?
Or someone who can accurately spot racism, since "fearing blacks" means fearing them as a race, as if being black makes you more prone to violence. That's bigotry in a nutshell.
As a liberal, I just signed up for my first concealed weapons class at the Multnomah County Sheriffs office!