
"conspiracy to travel interstate with intent to riot"
Minority Report is a 2002 American neo-noir science fiction film directed by Steven Spielberg and loosely based on the short story "The Minority Report" by Philip K. Dick. It is set primarily in Washington, D.C., and Northern Virginia in the year 2054, where "PreCrime", a specialized police department, apprehends criminals based on foreknowledge provided by three psychics called "precogs".
"Dennison Williams was in bed at his house on NE 8th Avenue on Wednesday morning when he heard a bang and someone shout, "FBI!" Then came a loud crash, which turned out to be agents breaking down his front door, and Williams heard a bang and a saw a flash of lightβ€”the agents throwing flash grenades. Williams started yelling from his bed that he was upstairs and unarmed."

Yep, that shit sounds about right. These goddamned federal pigs are soo chicken-shit, they have to all behave this way towards harmless unarmed citizens who've broken NO goddamned laws what so fucking ever!!!!!

But they didn't have the BALLS to pull this same shit on James Holmes' apt. by, say, last Wen/ night!
Witch Hunt, were going on a witch hunt... lets invent some laws to make free speech and vocal dissent illegal. Then lets scare the crap out of people and intimidate the populace so they will keep their dissent to themselves. How dare people voice the opinion that there is something seriously wrong with our government and the monied elite that buy it.
I posted a link to this article on Facebook with this comment:

A warrant for sign making materials? Also flags, literature, computers? No bombs? No Molotov cocktails? This sounds like the criminalization of protest. Perhaps we should all go down to the nearest federal building with flags, paint brushes, & books to protest this & we'll see if they're dumb enough to arrest us. I've got my Gadsden flag ready!
Take the 5th--even if simply asked on the stand to identify yourself. Once you make a statement, you've effectively waived your right because you've "opened the door". You have the right under both the 5th and 1st Amendment to say absolutely nothing.
Taking the 5th is a great idea, but if they are wanting information from you about other people, they can get a judge to grant you limited immunity and then compel your testimony. Grand Juries are nefarious.
THIS is America??? What the Hell is going on when jack-booted thugs can kick down your door in the middle of the night because they heard you're unhappy with the government enough to exercise your rights to free speech & peaceable assembly???
pinbalywz-- you can invoke your rights under the 5th and/or 1st amendment at any time regardless of whether you have answered questions or not. What is likely is that someone will invoke their rights, be taken before a judge and given immunity, go back to the grand jury (at this point the 5th amendment is nullified because the person has immunity and therefore cannot incriminate themselves) they refuse to speak and are held in contempt.
pinbalywz-- you can invoke your rights under the 5th and/or 1st amendment at any time regardless of whether you have answered questions or not. What is likely is that someone will invoke their rights, be taken before a judge and given immunity, go back to the grand jury (at this point the 5th amendment is nullified because the person has immunity and therefore cannot incriminate themselves) they refuse to speak and are held in contempt.

You're absolutely right, the worse thing you can do is talk to the police:

Police State Checkpoint Nullification in Upper Moreland, PA

We gave them no pretexts to shut us down with so they had to let the protest continue.
This type of shit is only going to get worse until people wake the fuck up!
So hopefully people are finally starting to SEE now just what's really going on here, and i hope the rest of you are posting this on your facebooks and letting as many folks as you can know about this shit!

All these raids that have taken place since last year - not ONE SINGLE arrest. Not a single charge filed. Not ONE actual weapon found. No bomb-making materials. No drugs. Nothing! These pigs stole from our home art, scrap books, photo albums, and burnt music cd-r's!
Serious question for Sarah Mirk: where are the actual documents? To my knowledge the search warrants are sealed, but in paragraph seven you state as fact a bunch of stuff apparently in the warrant, but you don't cite a source. Is the arrested dude your source? Did you get a copy of the warrant before it was sealed?
@sgtgrumbles - Williams shared a redacted copy of the documents he received from the FBI with me, including a receipt for property, the warrant, and his subpoena.
The fbi & cia to torture, maim or kill some dissidents. See:……

Then See:

The fbi/cia/dod global crime and mass murder spree spawns more carnage everywhere.


A nation and its people who deliberately engage in the systematic conquest, subjugation, torture, imprisonment and killing of others must by the laws of physics and divine nature have the same calamities delivered upon themselves.

Human beings have "no difficulty in exterminating one another to the last man."Sigmund Freud
(Civilization and Its Discontents, 1930)


kill box:…

"Though the FBI has said that the raids are part of a violent crime investigation"...
By raiding a house aren't they commiting a violent crime? WTF?
All parents beware!!!! burn your children's arts and crafts materials or u can be jailed by hitler oops I mean Obama. Fucking seriously who doesn't have materials at home to build some sort of sign.
You all realize that these are the same folks that sent a fake foreclosure letter to a woman and then squatted in her house.
These people (FBI/ATF/CIA) ARE the criminals...and have been for many years they have murdered repeatedly...26 February 1993 (WTC-1, FBI Special Agent John Anticev directing Emad Salem on bomb construction); 19 April 1995 (Oklahoma City Federal Building bombs from US Army and CIA-ATF...probably Camp Grafton); 11 September 2001 GW Bush authorized murders of World Trade Center WTC-1, 2 and 7 as well as the Pentagon; murder of helicopter personnel in Abbattabad, Pakistan...falsely claiming to have killed a man who died in early 2002 (bin Laden). The United States Government ARE the murderers...most recent being at Aurora Century 16 Theater and at Sikh Temple in Oak Tree, Wisconsin.
The founders of this government would be ashamed of the state our current country is in. Did we as a country not learn from other countries and our own? What about the McCarthy era? How well did that go for the government and the people who were blacklisted? Are we going to revert to the Midieval Times, where people are serfs to an ill-fated system where free thought and expression are squashed like a tiny bug under foot? In order to analyze something that is not working you must be able to question the problem and think outside the box in order to propose a hypothesis and a theory. No one political system is perfect, without questioning and learning from the past, we are doomed to repeat it. This seems like a situation where we are doomed to repeat it.
the scum got what they deserve. lock them up and throw away the key.

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