You should call the cops, if someone locked their keys in the car they will have a drivers license that matches registered owner on the plate and the cops will take about 2 minutes to check it out and wish them luck, but if they are a theif then their day might be ruined but that would be a good thing too.
You could have yelled down from your window and asked him if he needed you to call a locksmith. His knowing he was seen would likely have encouraged him to wander off... and target some other car not under your window.
Just yell, "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY CAR, YOU TWEAKER PIECE OF SHIT." Thieves will probably skulk away. The real owner will probably yell back, but no harm done. How many other times in life is screaming abusive lies at strangers considered potentially helpful? SEIZE THE MOMENT.
Why not take video if something looks squirrely? You can delete it later if it turns out to be nothing. I take pics/video of lots of things just in case.. like, when forced to park next to a car who is way close to my space, I take a pic showing the distance between the cars and one of the license plate. If I come out from the store and someone's bashed their door into mine, I know who to contact. If not, I can delete the pics.
Shout down to the person and say help is on the way. Whether you actually called anyone is beside the point. Get them to believe you really did call. I'd assume the real owner will either thank you or tell you it's not necessary. If they are there to steal the car, or something from the car, chances are they'll walk away at that point. If it's obvious they are out to steal the car or what is inside of it, call the cops, then take a photo of the person. I wouldn't beat myself up if I misread the situation and didn't do anything. One problem with this kind of situation is the assumption that everything is all right and you are watching a person who really locked their keys into the car. We tend to believe what we want to believe so the world can go on on spinning and we can get on with our day. Sometimes, however, weird things happen and although we have to be ready to deal with them, knowing what to do is always easier said in hindsight than done at the moment.