Look, you are a busy bee! 🐝 So there's no shame in letting the Mercury, who has two decades of experience watching and reporting on Portland politics, help you fill out your 2022 election ballot. If you need to know the reasoning behind our excellent decisions, check out our deeply researched opinions right here! If not, and you're ready to vote... go straight to our handy-dandy VOTER CHEAT SHEET, right here!
Here's a taste of what you'll see.
Multnomah County Chair: Jessica Vega Pederson
Multnomah County Measure 26-230: Yes
Multnomah County Measure 26-231: Yes
Multnomah County Measure 26-232: Yes
Multnomah County Measure 26-233: Yes
Multnomah County Measure 26-234: Yes
Multnomah County Measure 26-235: Yes
Multnomah County Measure 26-236: Yes