Extras Apr 24, 2013 at 4:00 am



The part where you list 20-30 fictitiously funny bar names must've accidentally gotten clipped before saving. Please re-do?
^^agree. Also agree with Ian that the aforementioned names (and many others) are lame twee hipster bullshit designed to attract other twerps. C'est la vie
RIP Joe's Cellar
Better this week ian. You stayed on track of the funny (even though it got away from you). Remember that just because something bothers you and you yell about it you also must chase it down with your medieval jester flute and play a funny little tune while skipping gaily. Making me laugh you must never forget to do.
And stay away from those who would advise you to make lists. They, like nougat candies, are not your friends.
But i love the Rat Pack,... and so do you!
Whaddaya got against lists, "I'mright"? WHAT IF SCHINDLER HAD FELT THAT WAY?
"Dig a Pony" is the worst name not just for a bar, but for anything. But I've had some pleasant evenings there.
Lillian Gish IS underrated! And anything to the contrary is pure flapdoodle!! Flapdoodle, I say!
Flapdoodle is a good bar.
'Dig a Pony' IS a great song, however. Those guys were practically flawless from '66 on...
Ah, so that earlier comment finally showed up. WTF.
This week I'm embarrassed because I'm the guy who plays Johnny Cash so loud. Also, I was a plucky Connecticut businesswoman before the surgery. Anyway, my wife and I thought this one was so funny that we read it to the neighbors until they locked themselves indoors with their overrated Rat Pack movies. Stay high, Ian, you're the best!

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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