Feature Oct 19, 2016 at 4:00 am

Here's Where We Stand on (Most of) the Issues


Anyone who votes according to the way a tabloid newspaper tells them to vote should lose their right to vote.
I've been a loyal reader for a long time and while I don't always agree, your Voting Cheat Sheet aligns perfectly with the ballot I just dropped off.
Anyone who uses the comments section of a tabloid paper to declare who should lose their right to vote should lose their right to vote!!!

No, wait, wave of irony destroying me... who wants to sublet a 2/1 townhouse in St John's?
I'm against Measure 99 simply because it's just another cosmetic waste of school funding. Unless Portland really does want to dreigroschenoper its way into a Weimar Republic state of artsy pauperdom it would behoove us to tackle our abysmal maths and sciences. Art and nature are great for bus shelters and the urban chicken revolution, but it's maths and sciences that ensure intellectual creativity in a global economy.

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