
TRUE STORY: Brad Buckner lacks the muscles in his face that allow him to smile.
@Graham Untrue! I'm greeted warmly every time I stop by, and all I do is hand him expense reports.
@Tony, @Graham is kinda right! And cool Friday Night Lights title...
@Tony: @Marissa: I've had to stop into the Merc offices maybe a dozen times and never once has he smiled or greeted me warmly. But alas, I am a total and complete asshole and I get that response most places.
Maybe it's just my farm or a late grow season, but I am disappointed in the chinsy portions given to me by my CSA per week. CSA's are cute. You still gotta go to the store.
@Tom_____ : I can't let that one pass. It's chintzy. Chintzy. Chintzy.

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