I wonder how much more you have to pay for that stupid, unnecessary plastic wrap. I've always been a little boggled as to how a 10-lb bag can cost less than $2 but individual potatoes are almost a dollar each.
This is an awesome feature for Blogtown. The best since Ezra was regularly ripping The Worst Sports Columnist In The History Of Sports Columnists. Please continue.
The film "Bag It" at the Hollywood Theater now is an awesome and funny look at plastic packaging. The wife co-star used to live in Portland. http://www.bagitoregon.org/ Many excellent moments, including picking up dog poo in paper.
I used to think the plastic bag ban was a dumb idea, but for god's sake, individually wrapped POTATOES????!!! And bananas?! That ought be illegal. Enough of this crap!
I don't see why you people hate the convenience and obvious food safety that this sort of packaging creates for the average hard-working American consumer. Why do you hate freedom?
@ScrumYummy: How is it lazy? It is the opposite of lazy. It's putting a physical barrier between you and a potato. I can get a shrink-wrapped potato and unwrap it first, or I can buy a normal potato and... IT'S ALREADY A POTATO!!1
@ cat & beard: Oh my! Ew no, I just meant that it seemed like that is what these potatoes are meant for, and if someone really wanted to do so there are many easier and less shrink wrapped ways.
@theterminizer: It says "microwave ready" on the plastic, so I assume that means that you buy the plastic-wrapped potato and just throw it into the microwave, as opposed to a real potato, which would have to be washed first. WASHING A POTATO IS TOO HARD FOR SOME PEOPLE. I GUESS. that's what a plastic-wrapped potato says to me.
Keep up the plastic column!
I'm glad you guys like the column. Maybe I'll hit up the Trader Joe's produce section next.
It' the grand parade of lifeless packaging, I just need a fuse.
Because if that wrapping doesn't function to seal in the worm feces, I'm not buying it.