
You are damn right to be angry Dan, so am I. But this epidemic is way more linked to our nation's mental health crisis than the availability of guns. The combination of poor access to mental health care and the pushing of poorly tested psych drugs creates a lethal and dangerous environment for us all. Add to that the appalling tolerance for intercommunity hatred, and you have a toxic soup in which senseless killing is inevitable, guns or no. The Orlando shooter shot his fellow homosexuals. This woman shot her own children. If these psychos couldn't get their hands on guns or other lethal weapons, what are the chances they would commit vehicular homicide? I'd say pretty high. I think guns are terrible horrible things. But saying "ban them all" is like saying ban all cars. Its not the imtruments of senseless killing that are causing the senseless killing. It is our blatant disregard for the root causes; our failure as a society to recognize and treat mental illness, our failure to address and educate against prejudicial hatred, and our failure to hold big pharm accountable for flooding the market with psych drugs that routinely list "thoughts of suicide" as a side effect. Nine out of ten mass shooters were on or coming off of "antidepressants". Four out of ten had a recorded history of domestic violence (I'm sure the actual number there is higher). I'm no math whiz but I'd be willing to bet that those factors combined far outweigh gun access. Cars kill vastly more people than guns in this country. Is it access to cars that is to blame? No. It is attributed to people using them while intoxicated, angry, and/or mentally ill/hopped up on pharmaceuticals. The reason I'm writing this is not that I'm a gun enthusiast. I wish that every gun on this planet would suddenly turn into chocolate, bullets and all. But if you reread the second amendment, you will start to understand the true agenda behind this whole conversation. That dog don't hunt.
You have to blame something or someone for life's problems, Aurelius. That's the way it is.
Exactly, and it better not be hate mongers, media Nazis or big pharm! Much safer to blame inanimate objects for this scourge! But surely the helpless militarized police should be allowed to have these weapons even though their only purpose is "to kill as many people in as short a time as possible".
Hmmm, banning Xanax before instituting sensible gun control measures? Great idea. Sounds like something that would come out of Donald Trump's and/or Wayne LaPierre's mouths.

Makings guns more difficult to acquire = Making it tougher to kill someone with a gun.

Banning semi-automatic assault rifles = Making it far tougher to commit mass murder with less powerful and efficient guns.

Also, cars aren't designed to kill people. Guns are. Pretty simple logic gentlemen.
Trayvon, So this crazy woman has no responsibility? Sounds like this crazy woman would have killed her children with a knife or car or an overdose of zanax. Maybe this crazy woman was forced against her will by some crazy hateful male to watch Fox news all day which drove her crazy so she needed relief and big pharm gave her some snake oil which cemented her in "psychotic child killng mother of two mode". And look at the last sentence of the article. Pathetic. I don't even like guns, btw.
"This weekend Christy Sheats shot and killed both of her daughters using one of those guns Democrats wanted to take away from her:"

That's the one.
ODD, of course she's responsible. And, of course she could've selected another method to kill her daughters. The fact is that it was easier for her to kill them with easy access to a gun. Stricter gun laws may not have prevented this killing, but it would stop others. And they sure as shit would've stopped the Orlando massacre.
Yes , People! Democrats will save you and solve all your personal problems for you. Can I get an A-MEN!
Being shot by random crazies isn't a personal problem you ignorant buffoon. Turning this issue into a typical partisan argument only proves how myopic and out of touch with reality you really are ODD.

The majority of ALL Americans are for stricter gun laws and are demanding that gov't enact legislation on their behalf to make this country a safer place to live. Equating that fact to the idea that Democrats want to solve everyone's personal problems is dimwitted at best.
BTW, nice going with the NRA ads on this thread Merc. You fuckers are pathetic.
These tragedies are about mental health, THEN gun control. So who's fucking making it political? Dan Savage and Trayvon.
ODD, which issue do you think something significant could be done in short period of time? There's another great idea from you... Let's wait to cure mental illness before addressing gun control. It's not politics, it's common fucking sense.
Mental illness is fueled by media just like this "article". She was just reading the Fox slant.
Brilliant hypothesis dude. You should start a GoFundMe campaign to further your research. And by further your research, I mean actually doing some research. Let me guess, watching TeleTubbies caused Adam Lanza to shoot all those elementary school students? Or was that FoxNews and The Merc too?
First of all, the research has been done. Second, media is not the cause of mental illness but every article by the Mercury and every whatever by Fox and every commercial you see is preying on mental weakness, hence the use of the term "fueled".
Third, this ain't fucking journalism , so it's technically not an article. Because it's so biased, Trayvon. So what is it?
So let me guess, if it weren't for Big Pharma and the media, none (or far fewer) of these shootings would be happening? Sadly, it's simpletons and ignorant people like you that allow politicians and the NRA to cram their agendas down the American public's throat without even the slightest trace of resistance.

Anybody with half a brain, and that speaks out against the gun violence plaguing this country, is simply labeled an overly liberal anti-constitutionalist. I guess that's far more palatable than admitting that you just don't give a fuck about the never ending mass shootings that continue to increase in scope and frequency. Because, if you did give a fuck, you'd want to see far fewer and less powerful guns available to the general public.

But you just keep talking about FoxNews and The Merc there big guy. It's not a distraction, it's a diversion.
I do give a fuck, you rube. You don't get the bigger picture because Todd and Dan and the Merc haven't told you what to think yet, you little hanger. Some day you'll figure out how right I am.
You obviously don't give a fuck about gun control, just about the mentally weak and those who become mentally ill because of tv and anti-depressants. And if you did get the bigger picture, you'd quickly realize that guns are the one thing we can do something about immediately. Instead, you'd prefer to obfuscate the subject AT HAND with misguided theories.

And I'm the rube? Hilarious.
I hope you're fake and trolling me, because if you're real,,, scary!
Not nearly as frightening as your ignorance ODD. As long as you don't vote or own a gun, I'm totally willing to overlook your stupidity.
Cool. I don't "own" any guns. And for your pleasure, I won't vote.
I'd like to amend my previous comment to include any possession of a gun, not just ownership.
That'll take some serious congress, you dumbfuck.
Also, look at the mom's eyes. Is that riddlin? I don't know those drugs.
That's what the "kill guy" looks like in a biker gang before a hit.
Comment #24 - Just you ya fucking dummy, not the whole country.
With you on their side they'll never win, slob.
Good one bro.
You think it's a good one because you're an idiot and you don't know any better. You're just hoping you're right, dweeb.
Right about what homey? The need for stricter gun control? Is the jury still out in your mind?

Pathetic or worthless? I'm trying to figure out which one describes you best. I'll flip a coin and get back to you loser.
Flip a coin. Typical.
So proud of you ODD. I figured you would've posted 5 or 6 more comments before you went to bed last night. Way to show some will power little buddy.
You've been waiting like a good dog, yes you are! you are a gooood dog!
Ahhh, the ol' middle goading tactic. I'll have to add that to my repertoire. If I ever wanna piss off a 7th grader that is.
Trayvon, stay! You stay right where you are. I'll be back around six. Stay. Shh, no typing. Or I'll make you wait longer.
How about you make me wait 24hrs for each letter I've typed in this comment? I'd love a few months away from you and your constant stream of mindless drivel.
Hey, you can teach an old offdutydog new tricks. For once, you didn't type something completely stupid and pointless. Mind you, it still wasn't anything intelligent, but it would be unfair to hold you to that standard.
You should write a book about your superiority complex.
Good idea!!! I'll dedicate the book to you and your intellectual inferiority. To protect your anonymity, I'll simply refer to you as "That Dumbass from The Merc."
I don't think you know what intellectual means.
Come on, Trayvon. I won't even use the internet. Swear. You can, though.
There's my little buddy. I love how you came back 3 hours after you last response, just to make that useless comment. You should start setting your alarm for 3am. You could get in a couple extra nonsensical comments that way.
JTR used to say "little buddy" all the time. Hmmmm....
But who was Rick Stevens? Dred?
And you are seriously a dumbfuck. It's nonsensical(gooood wooorrd, Bro) because it doesn't make sense to YOU.
Your a dummy, bruh.
4 x 0 = 0

4 comments and once again you've said nothing. Not sure why you came back to call me a dummy when you already called me a dumbfuck in comment 3 of 4. 4 comments in 7 minutes.

7 minutes and you couldn't string together a coherent/grammatically correct thought? You really suck at life. Pathetic.
I always liked JTR, actually. I think deep down he was not a true asshole, but, you never know.
You really have become quite desperate ODD. Dredging up past assholes like JTR just because you're completely out of troll bait. Given how "well-versed" you are on the history of I,Anon, I suspect you're probably one of those old time assholes that had their account deleted, or some bored staff member getting paid pennies to troll your own blog.

Even if I'm wrong, any alternative would a far more pathetic reason for you to be here having nothing intelligent to say and burying your nose in Todd Mecklam's asshole.

BTW, how did his dinner from last night taste this morning ODD?
Seriously dude, how did it taste? ; )

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