I, Anonymous Aug 14, 2008 at 4:00 am

I, Anonymous


Here, here!
I don't really get what he's complaining about. By his own admission, Portland is divided into 4 sections: quadrants. That's what they're called. It's not like a cute nickname. It's just...fact.
Haven't heard the "quadrant" thing yet. Or the mysterious fifth quadrant (Gresham?). Used to live in a city (DC) that also had "quadrants" (NW, NE, SW, SE), and it really did define you in a way. But even there, as in Portland, it's the neighborhood you live in, not some quadrant, that's interesting.
"Blonde Schmonde" really lived up to the nickname, eh? N, NE, NW, SW and SE total five section, not four.
"And this bullshit of "the fifth quadrant" is fucking absurd. Quad means four, you a-holes, not five!"

There ya go.
yeah.... this "quadrant shit" is not new. It's been a common and useful way to think of our fair city for as long as I can remember, and I've lived here for thirty years. so SHUT IT your own self!
I believe that you shclir (google schlee to understand this joke) are wrong because calling the various quadrants, ā€œquadrantsā€ is not a ā€œnew thing.ā€ I have been referring to SE, SW, NE, NW, and N, for as long as I can remember, as quadrants, and Iā€™m not about to stop now because of your whim. I would also like to point out to you that quad is a missed used prefix, why just take the term quadratic for example this refers to a polynomial (google it if you donā€™t know what it is) of degree two not four, which is just as misleading as me referring to Portlandā€™s five quadrants. Numbers donā€™t lie so really there is no qualm with ā€œmisusingā€ the term quadrant. So tuff titty.

With love for Portland and its quadrants,
Amy Brandenburg, math major
I believe that you shclir (google schlee to understand this joke) are wrong because calling the various quadrants, ā€œquadrantsā€ is not a ā€œnew thing.ā€ I have been referring to SE, SW, NE, NW, and N, for as long as I can remember, as quadrants, and Iā€™m not about to stop now because of your whim. I would also like to point out to you that quad is a missed used prefix, why just take the term quadratic for example this refers to a polynomial (google it if you donā€™t know what it is) of degree two not four, which is just as misleading as me referring to Portlandā€™s five quadrants. Numbers donā€™t lie so really there is no qualm with ā€œmisusingā€ the term quadrant. So tuff titty.

With love for Portland and its quadrants,
Amy Brandenburg, math major
Well, no, shmonde: people have started referring to North Portland as the "fifth quadrant", and by the nature of the word "quadrant", this term is a misnomer.

It's also stupid, as is calling it "NoPo".
Quadrants....Someone's been watching waaaay too much Star Trek. The Fifth Quadrant? Wasn't that the one past the the Worm Hole Sisco was all fired up about? Whatever. And anyway it all seems like a play on where you live and how pretentious you want to be.
There is something inadvertently nerdy and somewhat Orwellian about calling the sections of Portland "quadrants". To me it's just Southeast, North, West, etc......

And that's what they should call it but who am I to judge?
Amay= double fail. One for "missed used," one for double posting. Oh wait, triple fail: an extra fail for defining yourself as a "math major." We're all painfully aware that you're obviously not an English major, who gives a crap if you're a math major?
The Fifth Quadrant is also known as New California.

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all of the time.

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