
Better yet, he should just change his headline to, "Ugly and Unlovable."
I just post a baby picture, I was SOOOO CUUUUUTE!!!!!

Weird and awkward, yeah, but CUUUUUTE!!!!!
If you are such a hottie with a great smile, you wouldn't have had to scan the needing love sites. You see, what you got was your equivalent. No body should expect Brad Pitt pecking for love through cyberspace. Do you agree Angelina?
Oy vey sister, I feel ya. I see a lot of male profiles that state they will think a woman is fat or hiding something if she doesn't have a full body shot or current pictures; yet the male profile will have one picture of his face only, three blurry group pics, a picture of his dog and his car. When you meet in person the guy has no style or just weird... dating can totally suck. Online or traditional :(
It's recent, but it's been a rough couple of months.
He's obviously been surfing the wrong site. He really, ought to check out:
PSU is a great place to meet people in person, but if you try and ask anyone out, the PSU Safety Patrollers will beat you in the knees with a billy club, spray pepper mace directly in your eyes, and hand cuff you, because they are all a jealous bunch of fat assed dykes.
Cry me a river. Men don't hide how they really look under a 1/4 inch thick mask of make up, a one shot $50 hair do, a push up bra, a corset, and high heels.

The first place you should take an internet hook up for a date is a swimming pool.
Woah woah woah, hey... are you saying that people aren't totally honest on the internet?

The apocalypse must be nigh....

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