I, Anonymous Dec 17, 2014 at 4:00 pm

Stranger Danger


What's with the retitling and stripped comments? Original post: http://www.portlandmercury.com/IAnonymousB…
They never leave the comments on the published I,Anon, and they always come up with a cleaver title to go with the picture. Been happening for years.
$10 people don't think of this same risk when jumping into an Uber
A few changed words but still a lot of the same wording from the December 7th I anonymous. What's the deal?
Interesting, you're right, Dioni, actually they changed LOT of the wording. The words "from out of nowhere" removed from after 'into my vehicle', "fuck-self" becomes self, "stranger danger" taken out from before statistics, entire second-last sentence "I’m sorry that your gender has caused you such an inconvenience tonight, but my gender has forced me to feel vulnerable in nearly every experience I have had in my life " was taken out, and they changed "forfeiting my feeling of safety" to "forfeiting my safety."

That's all I caught, I haven't had my tea yet.

There's nothing on the "Submit an I, Anonymous" page that indicates the Merc will heavily edit submissions, either on first or re-publication, although it seems logical they'd censor names named.

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