
Facial hair troll - Level 9.

Not cool. Asking a dude to shave his beard is exactly like asking a woman to shave her legs or armpits.
During our meetings, the members of my MRA organization like to stroke each other's beards, because they're so very manly.

Oh wait, did I say "meetings"? I meant "circle jerks."
I look like a naked mole rat without my beard. Maybe you should shave my balls for me.
Oh boy, this is going to turn into a bunch of beta males and bearded women slinging the term MRA around.

In general, it's best not to tell men or women what to do in regards to how they look. Next topic please.
Dear Portland Women,

Stop dressing like you just came into town from a refugee camp.
Also, it's 84F out. Take off the winter scarf. You look dumb.
...I feel a disturbance in the force... something dark and terrifying in the near future... muttonchops....
What makes you think anyone in Portland WANTS to look good?
This might have been dubiously written by a bearded guy who wants to "trim" the herd down so he stands out more. Hipster women on okcupid are still raving about how they love beards.
Also, use a third mirror to trim the hair on your balls and ass. Extra points for not accidentally stabbing your perineum.
ugh, could you imagine how great the ugly factor would be in this town if all these trollish manbabies shaved their makeup off? trust me, you WANT the beards, you NEED the beards!!! A man without a beard is like a woman without make-up, you see all his acne scares and blotchy skin tone. Keep the beards me, don't make us like you for who you are, keep as liking you for the fantasy we all wish we could be part of.
This was definitely written by a blonde guy.
and guys- remember the beard hair does NOT go in the garbage disposal.
Don't worry, by next year we will have reach "Peak Beard" in Portland and the reactionary trendsetters will start shaving them off until being clean shaven becomes cool again...
I would just like to take this opportunity to throw out the word "herpsters"
Dan Savage?! Is that you?

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