Pathetic. Good thing you're "anonymous". ... Maybe try bringing up the subject with her with the aim of just getting a good laugh out of it! Don't take silly stuff so seriously.
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I think this I,Anon could've been saved with a little simple embellishment. Think heroin filled balloon popping out of her ass during said fart.
Invite some professional chili eating contest dudes to sleep in bed with you for a few months to desensitize yourself. Then you should be able to sleep through any cutesy balloon fart, no prob
Completely fake. No dude is ever going to care that his woman farts in her sleep, after just having had sex. People poop, pee and burp, too, IA. Grow the fuck up.
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I think this I,Anon could've been saved with a little simple embellishment. Think heroin filled balloon popping out of her ass during said fart.