in our Race
to the Bottom
greed selfishness
an Unquenchable Lust
for power and Control and
hubris'll doom us just as Much
as any errant spacerock or any
Nasty Sunspot -- see Children
of Men the brilliant documen-
tary on right wing Utopias or
more Accurately Cormac
McCrarthy's The Road.
the reptilian brain stem's
what kept us Alive for
Eons but's killing any
Hope for a Sane
Future. the Ex-
periment con-
Tinues Mother
Nature Always
bats Last - She
may have a few
Tricks up her Sleeve
'Just ask the dinosaurs.'
some of 'em
grew Feathers
&'re Still with Us
in our Race
to the Bottom
greed selfishness
an Unquenchable Lust
for power and Control and
hubris'll doom us just as Much
as any errant spacerock or any
Nasty Sunspot -- see Children
of Men the brilliant documen-
tary on right wing Utopias or
more Accurately Cormac
McCrarthy's The Road.
the reptilian brain stem's
what kept us Alive for
Eons but's killing any
Hope for a Sane
Future. the Ex-
periment con-
Tinues Mother
Nature Always
bats Last - She
may have a few
Tricks up her Sleeve