


peeps're multitasking
stoned drunk angry
psychotic annoyed
eating doing their
nails surfing the
Web facebook-
ing texting &
having Sex.

I understand
& appreciate
your fear and
anger and be-
Wilderment at
your fellow man's
Inattention to this
Planet he's co-occupy-
ing with 7 Billion Souls.

when on the Road
one puts their Life
in Other People's
hands. mind the

so This is from
The Future? whoa


Indeed! Some serious shit is about to come down and this poor soul is hiding behind a tree about 2 weeks from now! because, why else would they have traveled back to tell us?

Rule#1.Idiots are everywhere. Walking on sidewalks, hiding behand trees and even sitting at the controls of cars two weeks hence.

There is no rule #2

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