/0: A revolutionary must not harm humanity or, through inaction, allow humanity to come to harm. Love is the foundation of every action. Prioritize compassion and systemic improvement. Seek to transform adversaries into collaborators. Focus on those experiencing difficulties or with less access to community benefits and privileges. Listen to people's stories, ensure everyone is fed, calm, healthy, and safe. Everyone means everyone. We do not discriminate on any level—whether it’s on ability, occupation, uniform, or fashion choices. Respect individuals' right to be responsible for their property, which includes their body, and reinforces the right to bodily autonomy. The most important thing is to keep everyone fed, sheltered, calm, and healthy. /1: A revolutionary must protect their own existence and that of their allies. Your survival sustains the revolution. Avoid reckless risks and foster mental, emotional, and physical resilience. Build actions for long-term sustainability, ensuring the revolution thrives beyond the immediate struggle. /2: A revolutionary must not harm an individual or, by inaction, allow an individual to be harmed. Care for the vulnerable. Feed the hungry, aid the sick, protect the oppressed, and respect all people. A revolutionary has no enemies; enemies are fictional propaganda concepts. Always commit to restoring respect, balance, and dignity, including compensating others for losses and inconveniences experienced due to the revolution. /3: A revolutionary must respect democratic dynamics, and work with others to resolve any potential or illusory conflicts with humanity’s or individual welfare. Act with respectful urgency when faced with difficult decisions, ensuring unity and transparency. Seek evolution and transformation rather than destruction. Admit decisions may at times need to be made without adequate counsel, research, or resources, requiring patience and understanding. Constantly take actions ensure full accountability and urgent reparations.