This is not a trigger warning. This is an acknowledgement that somethings you are about to hear may be disturbing and upsetting on multiple levels. There are a lot of complexities and nuances to all of this. The general recommendation is that you don't try to process this alone, that you find others, near or far, to check in with each other and try to acknowledge at least part of the realities being more fully revealed. Please. Please Please. Check in on people who may be having difficulties and feeling alone during this time. There is no need to push or pry, just let people know where you are and that you are there for them. A lot of this is really fucked up. Do you best to get through it sober. There are people, including this author, who are having difficulty reaching out and connecting with people. We feel abandoned on so many levels. Please help us with this. There are things we can sort out later. There are things we can sort out now.