I, Anonymous Jan 25, 2025 at 3:33 pm



I see a giant sub-station going up in the Wilsonville area. I wonder what the cost of that bad boy is. At least something of actual use is coming to fruition. Here's to hoping they safeguard it against Chinese hackers attacking it. If there were projects of this sort that actually made a difference, the rate increase(s) wouldn't be such a bitter to swallow. We all need more evidence of our monies going to projects like this.


What did PGE pay in taxes again?
Trick question.

Trying to get this straight:
They purchase current generated at taxpayer expense from the Bonneville Power Administration, the cost of which becomes a tax write off, which they resell using equipment and materials that they have either deducted or are depreciating, using funds acquired from ratepayers. On paper at least, PGE is able to significantly reduce, or eliminate altogether, any state or federal tax liability. All while funneling profit to their shareholders. Profit taken out of our pockets.

For extra credit girls and boys, research the fun PGE engaged in during the ENRON days where they would pretend to buy and sell electricity from, or to, other private utilities, back and forth, over and over, jacking the price up with every transaction in a calculated scheme to exploit a manufactured energy shortage. Then they would laugh about how the next electric bill would affect the person receiving it.

Only the names have changed, the scam continues unabated.

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