Ugh, I cannot believe how many of you people think that Life Aquatic is anything other than a heinous war crime. That shit is stank. Also, Darjeeling Limited is crap too. He's made two good movies; Bottle Rocket and Fantastic Mr Fox.
This is the problem with the auteur theory, if the auteur only has two tools in their box; it gets boring right quick.
I'm more curious than I should be as to why Rushmore ranks so low on Erik's list. I'm also curious as to what version of Life Aquatic all you saw that allows it to outrank Rushmore???
YOU'RE BOTH RIGHT. Except, idk, Rushmore isn't my all-time favorite. I need to marathon them all again one day so I can be sure though. I've still never seen Bottle Rocket.
1. Tremors 2: Aftershocks
2. Tremors
3. Tremors: The Lost Monsters
4. Tremors 3: Back to Perfection
5. Tremors: The Series
6. Tremors 4: The Legend Begins
1. Rushmore/Moonrise Kingdom tie
3. Life Aquatic
4. Bottle Rocket
5. The Fantastic Mr. Fox
6. Royal Tenenbaums
6.5 That short before Darjeeling Limited with Natalie Portman
6.9 That credit card commercial
7. The Darjeeling Limited
1. Rushmore
2. The Royal Tenenbaums
3. Bottle Rocket
4. Moonrise Kingdom
5. The short with Natalie Portman's ass
6. The Darjeeling Limited
7. The Life Aquatic
I never could get into the Life Aquatic, I even thought Darjeeling was better, it's the one Wes Anderson film I just never enjoyed that much.
1. Rushmore
2. The extras on Rushmore's DVD.
3. Bottle Rocket
I haven't seen FMF or 'Moonrise...' yet, but the rest of those range from not-very-good to fucking-hell-awful. What the hell makes people like 'Royal Tenenbaums' so much?
The Darjeeling limited was a tired turd about stupid rich people acting like assholes and served no purpose other than a clandestine advertisement for overpriced boring Louis Vutton luggage.
I really enjoyed The Royal Tennenbaums and The Life Aquatic. The only other Anderson film I have seen is Darjeeling limited and I would agree with JRRTrolkien"s point, honestly it even marginally pissed me off
Really surprised at the love for Life Aquatic. Has its moments, but easily my least favorite of his movies. I also think Darjeeling Limited is probably the most contrived (that scene in the end where the brothers LITERALLY get rid of their baggage?!).
Royal Tenenbaums
Fantastic Mister Fox
Moonrise Kingdom
Bottle Rocket
TrollJr, have you not seen the rest? They are all about rich white people (and foxes) behaving badly.
Everyone's love for Rushmore makes me simultaneously wonder what drugs you were on that I missed while watching and feel tragically unhip. Did I run out of PBR too soon?
3. Life Aquatic
4. Moonrise Kingdom
5. Mr. Fox
6. Bottle Rocket
Distant 7th: Darjeeling
Erik, it's simply inexcusable to have Rushmore that low. Explain yourself.
2. The Fantastic Mr. Fox
3. The Royal Tenenbaums
4. The Life Aquatic
5. Bottle Rocket
6. Moonrise Kingdom
7. The Darjeeling Limited
1. The Darjeeling Limited
2. The Life Aquatic
3. Rushmore
4. The Royal Tenenbaums
5. The Fantastic Mr. Fox
6. Bottle Rocket
(haven't seen Moorise Kingdom yet...)
My only problem with Moonrise is how it starts making fun of itself toward the climax. Other than that, it's really, really good.
@Alison, my original post was Rushmore at 1 by itself, and I edited Tenenbaums into the tie.
This is the problem with the auteur theory, if the auteur only has two tools in their box; it gets boring right quick.
2. Rushmore
3. Bottle Rocket
Doesn't matter after this. Might as well be a three way tie.
2. The Royal Tenenbaums
3. Rushmore
4. Bottle Rocket
5. The Darjeeling Limited
6. The Fantastic Mr. Fox
Haven't seen Moonrise Kingdom yet..
2. Moonrise Kingdom
3. Bottle Rocket
4. The Life Aquatic
5. Rushmore
6. The Fantastic Mr. Fox
7. The Darjeeling Limited
Now, I know this goes against most Wes Anderson diehards as "Rushmore" is often viewed as his magnum opus but whatever...
Francis Ford Coppola's movies, ranked.
1. Godfather 3
2. Tucker
33. The Conversation
34. Godfather 2
(Godfather 1 came in at #27, just behind Apocalypse Now)
2. The Voyage Home
3. The Wrath of...
... oh, hell... wait a second... we're not doing that one, are we?
2. Tremors
3. Tremors: The Lost Monsters
4. Tremors 3: Back to Perfection
5. Tremors: The Series
6. Tremors 4: The Legend Begins
3. Life Aquatic
4. Bottle Rocket
5. The Fantastic Mr. Fox
6. Royal Tenenbaums
6.5 That short before Darjeeling Limited with Natalie Portman
6.9 That credit card commercial
7. The Darjeeling Limited
2. The Royal Tenenbaums
3. Bottle Rocket
4. Moonrise Kingdom
5. The short with Natalie Portman's ass
6. The Darjeeling Limited
7. The Life Aquatic
I never could get into the Life Aquatic, I even thought Darjeeling was better, it's the one Wes Anderson film I just never enjoyed that much.
2. The extras on Rushmore's DVD.
3. Bottle Rocket
I haven't seen FMF or 'Moonrise...' yet, but the rest of those range from not-very-good to fucking-hell-awful. What the hell makes people like 'Royal Tenenbaums' so much?
2. The Tenenbaums
3. Fantastic Mr. Fox
4. Bottle Rocket
5. Life Aquatic
6. The Darjeeling Limited
7. Moonrise Kingdom
Royal Tenenbaums
Fantastic Mister Fox
Moonrise Kingdom
Bottle Rocket
Everyone's love for Rushmore makes me simultaneously wonder what drugs you were on that I missed while watching and feel tragically unhip. Did I run out of PBR too soon?