THE RJ TEMPLETON BUILDING is ideal for outsider events because it really only has two neighbors—the Burnside Bridge and its accompanying skatepark. Neither are likely to complain about noise or frivolity. This multi-story space is more cavernous and centrally located than the old Disjecta on NE Russell, and has already featured a Plazm magazine party, hardcore shows, art openings, and, come Labor Day Weekend, the Halleluwah festival. In a city with no shortage of venues, all kinds of folks are finding great uses for it.
Enter Tom Greenwood, the Wire magazine coverboy and head of internationally acclaimed improv artists Jackie-O Motherfucker. The show Greenwood's curating on August 5th is based around a special appearance of Copehagen's dense drone artists Family Underground.
"Family Underground kids have been trading tapes with me for a few years," says Greenwood. "I've released one of their CDs and ended up meeting them when we played in Denmark at a festival. We hit it off as people who like the same stuff will. I'm excited for Portland to get a chance to check them out, as the way they produce sound is on line with what's happening slowly here in town."
Tom hand selected a special showcase of Northwest crème de la crème to round out the bill. Seattle's Shoplifting, Olympia's Problems, and Portland to San Francisco back to Portland's very own Yellow Swans will be in the house. Yellow Swans performances have become a rarity in these parts, so a chance to celebrate their return to the nest as well as the release of their Load Records debut, Psychic Secession (which sounds a lot like aliens vacuuming), should get some much-deserved attention.
Greenwood promises "it'll be a special night, with other unannounced performances as well." I can share that one very special mystery guest is playing under the name Mercy Sounds. Her appearance alone is worth the price of admission, but that's all I can say.