Straight up: Life is pretty fabs for the download-positive Sao Paulo dance-punk sextet Cansei de Ser Sexy. By now, the story of CSS' creation—something to do with six informally trained "musicians" meeting via the Brazilian MySpace and promptly setting about skewering American pop culture—has become the stuff of blogosphere legend. Initially signed to their country's Trama label, who first released CSS' self-titled debut in late 2005, the band included a blank CD-R with the first pressing to spread their music's reach. Soon after, Sub Pop caught wind of their sexed-up pop subversions, signed on, and released the album stateside. Not even a year later, the album's sold well over 60,000 copies and, coupled with the band's ass-shaking remixes of Lily Allen and Bonde Do Role, their dance, dance revolución needs no introduction.
"We came to America in July (2006) to do our first tour, thinking we'd go home after and that would be it," gushes guitarist Ana Rezende. "But we've been touring now for almost a year. We never expected that. We didn't have any aspirations. We didn't even intend to be musicians, because we never thought we could be."
The band's unlikely ascent came to an especially surreal climax during the incendiary set at Coachella in April. After delivering a breathless versions of L7's "Pretend We're Dead," and their own "Meeting Paris Hilton," they, uh, met Paris Hilton, who danced through the entire set from atop some nearby risers.
"It was very, very surreal for us," laughs Rezende. "We're big fans of pop culture and celebrity and those kinds of things. It's really weird, all of the things that have happened with us. It gives us more to talk about. But we're just here, like, mailing our pictures to all our friends."Thing is, the way they've made friends, CSS ought to be using their web savvy to disseminate their celeb encounters. This much international postage can't come cheap.