Hi, my name is Nolan Parker! I’m the new music editor at the Portland Mercury, and I’m “Truly Madly Deeply" so thrilled to be here! 

Initially moving to Portland in 2011, I cut my teeth on the city’s vibrant music scene working at Beacon Sound Records, and DJing all the bygone watering holes like Tiga, the Tannery, Valentine’s, and Beech Street. 

After I completed my undergrad in Heidelberg, Germany, I moved to Berlin. We all know Berlin has a world-renowned rave culture, but you quickly discover the city also boasts one of the most diverse live music scenes on the planet. Walking around the city, every flat surface (and some not-so-flat surfaces) is wheatpasted with posters that were often advertising concerts that had already happened. So, with another PDX-pat (lololol), I co-founded Berlin’s first English-language live music magazine, Schmutz. Our baby was printed monthly in runs of 5,000 and available for free all over the city (delivered on bike by us) and since both the founders had done time in Portland, you know we copped a lot from the Mercury’s music section! The backbone of the publication was a gig-guide, curated by the founders, which included in-depth interviews, scene reports, funnies, and a personals section. Unfortunately, Schmutz did not survive COVID-19 and has been dormant since early 2020. 

In 2021, I started a Master of Library Science degree and moved back to Portland to work for Multnomah County Library. After working as a public librarian for several area systems, I took the music editor position at the Mercury—my literal dream job. Thank you to those who donate directly to the Mercury, it’s because of those donations that so much of what this pub does is possible—including hiring me!

I also run the Portland-area community resource, Government Palace. Gov. Palace largely focuses on concerts in the Portland area, though it also covers film, comedy, art openings, poetry readings, activist activities, the rave scene, and more!

Follow me on Instagram and Letterboxd, and do get at me with pitches, releases, and collaboration ideas at nparker@portlandmercury.com. Got a show you want us to know about? Sing out to us at calendar@portlandmercury.com!


P.S. My sweet baby angel, Polenta Osterberg Parker, aka Polly, wants you to know you’re loved. [Fun fact: Osterberg is Iggy Pop’s real last name, and Polly’s initials are POP. Polly is also PJ Harvey’s first name 🥹-eds]